如何将 \circled 命令用于一位数,将 \newcircled 命令用于两位数?

如何将 \circled 命令用于一位数,将 \newcircled 命令用于两位数?

首先,MWE 及其输出如下。

%%%define circled command%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=0.3pt,text depth=0pt,font=\normalfont,minimum size=6pt] (char) {#1};}
%%%define newcircled command%%%%%%%%%%%%

We have circled one-digit numbers and two-digit numbers by the \verb|\circled| command as follows.
\circled{0} \circled{1} \circled{2} \circled{3} \circled{4} \circled{5} \circled{6} \circled{7} \circled{8} \circled{9}  \circled{10} \circled{11} \circled{12} \circled{23} \circled{68}
And we also have circled one-digit numbers by the \verb|\circled| command and two-digit numbers by the \verb|\newcircled| command as follows which are as desired.
\circled{0} \circled{1} \circled{2} \circled{3} \circled{4} \circled{5} \circled{6} \circled{7} \circled{8} \circled{9}  \newcircled{10} \newcircled{11} \newcircled{12} \newcircled{23} \newcircled{68}



显然第二行数字是符合要求的。所以我的问题是如何将\circled和 \newcircled 命令结合用于数字或者如何生成一个命令,该命令可以原子地\circled对一位数使用该命令,\newcircled对两位数使用该命令

在 @CarLaTeX 回答之后,我们可以出色的带圈数字,带两位数作为脚注,这可能是目前为止最好的。以下是 MWE 及其输出。请注意,您可以使用 LaTeXPDFLaTeX但不能XeTeXXeLaTeXLuaLaTeX来编译文件,因为microtype包不能在 XeTeXXeLaTeX或中使用LuaLaTeX。要使用XeTeXXeLaTeXLuaLaTeX来编译文件,您可以改用fontspec包和\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=-9.0}命令(参见第三个解决方案)。

\usepackage{graphics}%for \scalebox
\usepackage{etoolbox}%for \ifnumcomp
\usepackage{microtype}%for \textls
%%%define circled command%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    inner sep=0.1ex,
    text depth=0ex,
    minimum size=1ex
        % if > 9:
        \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[circlednode] (char) {\textls[-70]{\scalebox{0.53}[1]{#1}}};}{%
        % if <= 9: 
        \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[circlednode] (char) {#1};}%
%%%footnote number setting%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%make footnote numbers be circled------------------

We have circled one-digit numbers and two-digit numbers by the \verb|\circled| command as follows.
\circled{0} \circled{1} \circled{2} \circled{3} \circled{4} \circled{5} \circled{6} \circled{7} \circled{8} \circled{9}  \circled{10} \circled{11} \circled{12} \circled{23} \circled{68}
\par We can also produce excellent circled numbers with two-digits for footnotes with the help of the \verb|\circled| command, which maybe the best so far as now. 
\par Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}.Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test}. Now we test the footnote numbers with two digits\footnote{Test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test.}.



使用\ifnumcompfrometoolbox测试数字是否大于 9:

    inner sep=0.3pt,
    text depth=0pt,
    minimum size=6pt
%%%define circled command%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        % if > 9:
        \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[mynode] (char) {\textls[-70]{\scalebox{0.53}[1]{#1}}};}{%
        % if <= 9: 
        \tikz[baseline=(char.base)]\node[mynode] (char) {#1};}%

We have circled one-digit numbers and two-digit numbers by the \verb|\circled| command as follows.
\circled{0} \circled{1} \circled{2} \circled{3} \circled{4} \circled{5} \circled{6} \circled{7} \circled{8} \circled{9}  \circled{10} \circled{11} \circled{12} \circled{23} \circled{68}
And we also have circled one-digit numbers by the \verb|\circled| command and two-digit numbers by the \verb|\circled| command as follows which are as desired.
\circled{0} \circled{1} \circled{2} \circled{3} \circled{4} \circled{5} \circled{6} \circled{7} \circled{8} \circled{9}  \circled{10} \circled{11} \circled{12} \circled{23} \circled{68}

