


我的问题是,我经常(随机地)在纵向和横向文档之间切换。如果我只有纵向工作表,那么我只需使用 \BgThispage 一行即可添加徽标。但是,当我切换到横向时,每次进行此切换时,我都必须重新进行背景设置。

我想知道是否有更有效的方法来做到这一点。也许像存储 2 个不同的背景设置并根据工作表的方向调用我需要的那个?


\usepackage{lscape} % to allow pages to be temporarily landscape instead of portrait
\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry} % set margins to 3cm
\usepackage{tikz} % to overlay pictures
\usepackage{pdflscape} % allows you to see landscape without turning your head 90 degrees and allows landscape on any page with \begin{landscape}
%\usepackage{showframe} % make margins visible - useful for debugging
\usepackage[pages=some]{background} % make pictures in background so pictures don't skip lines when used at the top

% [Page 1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% Landscape Pictures
\backgroundsetup{opacity=1, scale=1, angle=0, contents={%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=3cm,anchor=south west] at (current page.south west){%
    \includegraphics[width=3cm, angle=90]{example-image-a}};
    \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-3cm,anchor=north west] at (current page.north west){%
    \includegraphics[width=3cm, angle=90]{example-image-b}};
\BgThispage % Add logos to the top corners

    This is a landscape page



% [Page 2] ---------------------------------------------------------------------

\restoregeometry % this fixes the page number being way too high. I seem to need this every time I switch from portrait to landscape

% Now I need to declare a backgroundsetup since this page has a different orientation than the last

% Portrait Pictures
\backgroundsetup{opacity=1, scale=1, angle=0, contents={%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-3cm,anchor=north west] at (current page.north west){%
    \node[xshift=-3cm,yshift=-3cm,anchor=north east] at (current page.north east){%

\BgThispage % Add logos to the top corners

    This is a portrait page


% [Page 3] ---------------------------------------------------------------------


    This is another portrait page that doesn't need the\\
    background setup since it was used in the last page.


% [Page 4] ---------------------------------------------------------------------


% Landscape Pictures
\backgroundsetup{opacity=1, scale=1, angle=0, contents={%
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=3cm,anchor=south west] at (current page.south west){%
    \includegraphics[width=3cm, angle=90]{example-image-a}};
    \node[xshift=3cm,yshift=-3cm,anchor=north west] at (current page.north west){%
    \includegraphics[width=3cm, angle=90]{example-image-b}};

\BgThispage % Add logos to the top corners

    This is a landscape page that needs another background setup\\
    since it is a different orientation than the last page



第 1 页 第2页 第 3 页 第 4 页


我认为背景包和 tikz 对此来说是完全不需要的(并且总是需要两次编译。我只需使用 shipout 钩子即可。

\usepackage[paper=a4paper,margin=3cm]{geometry} % set margins to 3cm
\usepackage{pdflscape} %

 \put(0,0){\tikz[overlay]\draw[red,<->](0,0)--++(3cm,-3cm);} %only for test
 \put(0,0){\tikz[overlay]\draw[red,<->](0,0)--++(3cm,-3cm);} %only for test
 \AddToHook{env/landscape/after}{\restoregeometry} %to get around the exam incompabitily
% [Page 1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    This is a portrait page

% Landscape Pictures

    This is a landscape page



    This is a portrait page


% [Page 3] ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    This is another portrait page that doesn't need the\\
    background setup since it was used in the last page.


% [Page 4] ---------------------------------------------------------------------


    This is a landscape page that needs another background setup\\
    since it is a different orientation than the last page


