我正在尝试用乳胶编写查询并附加此图像。我单独做了,下载了 pdf 文件以保留其分辨率并将其附加到我的 latex 文件中。有没有办法直接做到这一点而不必使用此方法?也就是说,我想在 latex 代码中完成所有操作,而无需下载任何东西。可能吗?
The universe is immense and it seems to be homogeneous,
in a large scale, everywhere we look at.
@David Carlisle 的评论解决了您的问题。如果您希望在问题中包含来自链接的图像代码,您可以按照以下方式操作:
% part preamble needed for your image
\definecolor{mycolor}{rgb}{0, 153, 216}
% Style to set camera angle, like PGFPlots `view` style
\tikzset{viewport/.style 2 args={
% Convert from spherical to cartesian coordinates
{sin(#1)*cos(#2)}, % X coordinate
{cos(#1)*cos(#2)}, % Y coordinate
{sin(#2)} % Z (vertical) coordinate
% other part preamble needed for your document
% code for image
\path[ball color= mycolor, draw] (0,0) circle (1);
\draw[variable=\t, smooth, line width=0.2pt]
plot[domain=90-\RotationY:-90-\RotationY, rotate around y=-20] (\ToXYZ{0}{\t})
plot[domain=90-\RotationX:-90-\RotationX, rotate around y=110] (\ToXYZ{\t}{0});
\draw[densely dashed, variable=\t, smooth, line width=0.5pt, opacity=0.3]
plot[domain=90-\RotationY:270-\RotationY, rotate around y=-20] (\ToXYZ{0}{\t})
plot[domain=90-\RotationX:270-\RotationX, rotate around y=110] (\ToXYZ{\t}{0});
\draw[densely dashed, variable=\t, smooth]
plot[domain=-160:-20] (\ToXYZ{15*sin(\t)}{15*cos(\t)});
\fill[color=blue!80!white, opacity=1, variable=\t, smooth]
plot[domain=-21:201] (\ToXYZ{25*sin(\t)}{25*cos(\t)}) --
plot[domain=201:-20] (\ToXYZ{15*sin(\t)}{15*cos(\t)}) -- cycle;
\draw[black, variable=\t, smooth, domain=0:360, line width=0.4pt]
plot[domain=-21:201] (\ToXYZ{25*sin(\t)}{25*cos(\t)})
plot[domain=-21:201] (\ToXYZ{15*sin(\t)}{15*cos(\t)});
\draw[black, variable=\t, smooth, domain=0:360, line width=0.4pt]
plot[domain=55-\RotationY:45-\RotationY, rotate around y=-20] (\ToXYZ{0}{\t})
plot[domain=5-\RotationX:-5-\RotationX, rotate around y=110] (\ToXYZ{\t}{0});
\node[circle, fill, inner sep=1pt] at (\ToXYZ{0}{0}) {};
\node[circle, fill, inner sep=1pt] at (\ToXYZ{15*sin(140)}{15*cos(140)}) {};
\node[] at (1,0.5,0.5) {\Large{$\mathbb S^2$}};
\node[] at (-0.14,0.1,0.6) {\Large{$\gamma$}};
\node[] at (-0.2,0.1,0.4) {\Large{$p$}};
\caption{Unverse ...}