我想知道是否有命令或环境可以适应短诗的写作,即使缺少诗行也能提供押韵格式。也许通过某种数组?我尝试写一首十四行诗,但因 9 个参数的限制而受阻,但我怀疑这不是最好的方法。\ph(占位符} 功能是否可以内置到环境中?
下面的 CODE 吸引我的地方在于它看起来很简洁;在写作时很有帮助。(我认识到 LaTeX 不是某些人会选择的写作环境。)
{#1 \textsuperscript{\emph{a}} \\}
{#2 \textsuperscript{\emph{b}} \\}
{#3 \textsuperscript{\emph{a}} \\}
{#4 \textsuperscript{\emph{b}} \\}
{#5 \textsuperscript{\emph{b}} \\}
{#6 \textsuperscript{\emph{c}} \\}
{#7 \textsuperscript{\emph{b}} \\}
{#8 \textsuperscript{\emph{c}} \\}
{#9 \textsuperscript{\emph{c}} \\}
\newcommand{\ph}{{\underline{\hspace{5em}}}\ }
{When writing verse, \LaTeX\ as often helps}
{As hinders, fostering the nascent notion}
{As fast as the imagination whelps,}
{And no philosophy shows such devotion}
{To the \ph, amidst the commotion}
{Of composition, so needful to poet}
{And coder alike, adrift in an ocean}
{Of signs and signifiers, content to go it}
{Alone, 'till 9-argument limit blow it---}