我一直在尝试修改从以下获得的代码 用于计算小计 Tex 问题的宏。
我的 MWE 提出了不太好的解决方案。
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Finds subtotal of all subparts %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Solution by John, K %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
{\csname subtotal@\roman{question}@\roman{partno}\endcsname}}
\renewenvironment{subparts}% no arguments?
\newcommand{\hidepoints}{\pointformat{}} % Hides my points
\newcommand{\showpoints}{\pointformat{\textbf{\thepoints}}} % Shows my points
%%%%%%%%%%% The problem below %%%%%%%%%%%%%%5
This is my problem
\part[\subtotal] I don't want to see the subtotal of 5. % I don't want to see the \subtotal on my paper, but I need it to tell LaTeX as this parts total points is the sum of the subparts below.
\subpart[2] This subpart has 2 points.
\subpart[3] This subpart has 3 points.
This is another problem
\part[\subtotal] I don't want to see the subtotal of 2. % I don't want to see the \subtotal on my paper, but I need it to tell LaTeX as this parts total points is the sum of the subparts below.
\subpart[1] This subpart has 1 points.
\subpart[1] This subpart has 1 points.
\droptotalpoints % Another problem as a result is Why the total points for Question 1 = 12 when it should be 7 (5+2)?
%%%%%%%%%% My current work around for the above problem below %%%%%%%%%
\question This is my not so great solution.
\hidepoints % I have hidden by \subtotal result.
\part[\subtotal] % I don't want to see the \subtotal on my paper, but I need to tell latex that this part is the sum of the subparts below.
\showpoints % Now i have to show points or else the \subparts won't be dispalyed.
和来手动显示和隐藏所有子部分的小计,但我注意到,如果一个问题中有 2 个子部分,则该问题的总分计算不正确。\showpoints
a) 自动隐藏\subtotal
命令。b) 计算问题的正确分数。