。我的代码如下:The dependent
* p < 0.1
\multicolumn{5}{@{}l@{}}{\footnotesize\shortstack{ $^{*}\, p<0.1$; $^{**}\, p<0.05$; $^{***}\, p<0.01$.
\cite{white1980heteroskedasticity} robust SEs in parentheses clustered on a district level. \\
Year\textunderscore month dummy, weekday \& holidays dummy and district dummy. \\
The dependent variable is the number of robberies per 1.000.000 population.}} \\
根据有根据的猜测,文本宽度的 80% 足以容纳脚注。
\caption{A table caption explaining what it's about}
\begin{tabular*}{0.8\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l c c c c @{}}
N & 451185 & 451185 & 451185 & 451185 \\
Pseudo $\mathrm R^2$ & 0.01 & 0.01 & 0.01 & 0.01\\
$^{*}$ $p<0.1$; $^{**}$ $p<0.05$; $^{***}$ $p<0.01$.
\cite{white1980heteroskedasticity} robust SEs in parentheses clustered on a district level.
Year\textunderscore month dummy, weekday \& holidays dummy and district dummy.
The dependent variable is the number of robberies per 1\,000\,000 population.
\caption{A table caption explaining what it's about}
% we set the footnotes
$^{*}$ $p<0.1$; $^{**}$ $p<0.05$; $^{***}$ $p<0.01$.\\
\cite{white1980heteroskedasticity} robust SEs in parentheses clustered on a district level.\\
Year\textunderscore month dummy, weekday \& holidays dummy and district dummy.\\
The dependent variable is the number of robberies per 1\,000\,000 population.
\begin{tabular*}{\wd\tablefootnotebox}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l c c c c @{}}
N & 451185 & 451185 & 451185 & 451185 \\
Pseudo $\mathrm R^2$ & 0.01 & 0.01 & 0.01 & 0.01\\
N & 451185 & 451185 & 451185 & 451185 \\
Pseudo $\mathrm R^2$ & 0.01 & 0.01 & 0.01 & 0.01\\
\makecell[l]{$^{*}\, p<0.1$; $^{**}\, p<0.05$; $^{***}\, p<0.01$.
\cite{white1980heteroskedasticity} robust SEs in parentheses clustered on a district level.\\
Year\textunderscore month dummy, weekday \& holidays dummy and district dummy.\\
The dependent variable is the number of robberies per 1.000.000 population.}}
$^{*}\, p<0.1$; $^{**}\, p<0.05$; $^{***}\, p<0.01$.
\cite{white1980heteroskedasticity} robust SEs in parentheses clustered on a district level.}\\
Year\textunderscore month dummy, weekday \& holidays dummy and district dummy.}\\
The dependent variable is the number of robberies per 1.000.000 population.} \\