带有多列标题的表格(在 Beamer 中)

带有多列标题的表格(在 Beamer 中)

当我对表格使用多列时,合并列的标题仅占据一列,而不是合并列的总数。有没有办法对此进行排序?以下是 MWE -

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\title{my slides}

  \caption{Sample Resistance data from $ 1mg/ml $ of CNT solution}
          &       & \multicolumn{3}{C}{Sample on cellulose filter} & \multicolumn{3}{C}{Sample on Wafer} \\
    Sample  & Thickness ($ \mu m $) & Resistance ($\Omega$) & Sheet resistance ($ \Omega $) & Resistivity ($ \Omega\: cm $) & Resistance ($ \Omega $) & Sheet resistance ($ \Omega $) & Resistivity ($ \Omega\: cm $) \\
    \multirow{3}[0]{*}{10 ml} & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{7.07} & 8.42037 & 38.14444 & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.033292836} & 11.16161 & 50.5659 & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.035330583} \\
          &       & 9.03046 & 40.90815 &       & 11.08799 & 50.22873 &  \\
          &       & 8.73346 & 39.56346 &       & 10.84388 & 49.12298 &  \\
    Average &       & 8.728096667 & 39.53868333 &       & 11.03116 & 49.97253667 &  \\
    \multirow{6}[0]{*}{20 ml} & \multirow{7}[0]{*}{12.905} & 8.69023 & 39.36688 & \multirow{7}[0]{*}{0.034299208} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{5.62617} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{25.48672} & \multirow{7}[0]{*}{0.032975463} \\
          &       & 8.62305 & 39.06262 &       &       &       &  \\
          &       & 8.46726 & 38.3569 &       & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{5.70038} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{25.82339} &  \\
          &       & 8.69199 & 39.37495 &       &       &       &  \\
          &       & 8.89965 & 40.31551 &       & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{5.59538} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{25.3473} &  \\
          &       & 8.90406 & 40.33552 &       &       &       &  \\
    Average &       & 8.712706667 & 39.46873 &       & 8.593513333 & 25.55247 &  \\
          &       &       &       & \multirow{5}[0]{*}{0.01052849} &       &       &  \\
    \multirow{3}[0]{*}{30 ml} & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{25.005} & 5.11619 & 21.81757 &       & 2.93069 & 13.27621 & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.032756433} \\
          &       & 4.59474 & 20.80073 &       & 2.79338 & 12.65416 &  \\
          &       & 4.76615 & 21.59088 &       & 2.95128 & 13.36949 &  \\
    Average &       & 4.825693333 & 21.40306 &       & 2.891783333 & 13.09995333 &  \\


% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
  \caption{Sample Resistance data from $ 0.5mg/ml $ of CNT solution}
           & \multicolumn{4}{C}{
                At the wafer} & \multicolumn{2}{C}{After baking at 400C in glovebox} & \multicolumn{4}{C}{On cellulose filter}\\
    Sample  & Resistance ($\Omega$) & Sheet resistance ($\Omega$) & Thickness ($ \mu m $) & Resistivity ($ \Omega \: cm $) & Sheet resistance ($\Omega$) & Resistivity ($ \Omega\:cm $) & Resistance ($\Omega$) & Sheet resistance ($\Omega$) & Thickness ($ \mu m $) & Resistivity ($ \Omega\: cm $) \\
    10 ml & 8.6347 & 39.1154 & 11.3  & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.045361063} & 32    & \multirow{5}[0]{*}{0.0387} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{16.55097} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{74.97601} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{11.3} & \multirow{10}[0]{*}{0.083748478} \\
          & 8.8625 & 40.1469 & 10.5  &       & 34    &       &       &       &       &  \\
          & 8.7009 & 39.4149 & 12.6  &       & 34    &       &       &       &       &  \\
    Average & 8.7327 & 39.55906667 & 11.46666667 &       & 35    &       & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{16.04057} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{72.663889} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{10.5} &  \\
          &       &       &       & Average & 33.75 &       &       &       &       &  \\
          &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
          & 26.2074 & 118.7196 & 3.2   & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.058517203} &       &       & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{15.77689} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{71.46949} & \multirow{2}[0]{*}{12.6} &  \\
          & 23.751 & 107.5919 & 4.1   &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
          & 25.6407 & 116.1524 & 4.1   &       &       &       &       &       &       &  \\
    Average & 15.78998571 & 71.52859524 & 8.180952381 &       &       &       & 16.12281 & 73.036463 & 11.46666667 &  \\
    20 ml & 13.1859 & 59.732 & 7.2   & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.043931432} & 42    & \multirow{5}[0]{*}{0.032745} & 7.62057 & 34.52141 & 7.2   & \multirow{4}[0]{*}{0.024851521} \\
          & 13.2219 & 59.8952 & 7.5   &       & 45    &       & 7.35304 & 33.29376 & 7.5   &  \\
          & 12.908 & 58.4732 & 7.5   &       & 46    &       & 7.27021 & 32.93424 & 7.5   &  \\
    Average & 13.10526667 & 59.3668 & 7.4   &       & 44    &       & 7.414606667 & 33.58313667 & 7.4   &  \\
          &       &       &       & Average & 44.25 &       &       &       &       &  \\



  • 在下面的 MWE 中仅考虑与写表相关的包。
  • 对于表格,添加了tabularraysiunitx包(由加载\UseTblrLibrary)。使用它们,表格和可以很好地适合框架,而无需使用\resizebox框。因此可以规定字体大小footnotesize
  • 我建议对数字进行四舍五入,以便每列都有相同的小数位(这样表格就变得更加一致)
  • MWE 仅考虑第一个表,第二个表您可以按照相同的方式自己编辑/进行练习/):

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\caption{Sample Resistance data from \qty{1}{\milli\gram\per\milli\litre} of CNT solution}
    \begin{tblr}{ colsep = 2pt,
                 colspec = {@{} Q[l, si={table-format=2,
                                X[c,m, si={table-format=2.3,
                           *{2}{X[c,m, si={table-format=2.5}]}
                                X[c,m, si={table-format=1.5}]
                           *{2}{X[c,m, si={table-format=2.5}]}
                                X[c,m, si={table-format=1.5}]
    &   &   \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {{{Sample on cellulose filter}}}
            &   &   &   \SetCell[c=3]{c}  {{{Sample on Wafer}}}  \\
    & {{{Thickness (\unit{\micro\metre})}}}
        & {{{Resistance (\unit{\ohm})}}}
            & {{{Sheet resistance (\unit{\ohm})}}}
                & {{{Resistivity (\unit{\ohm\centi\metre})}}}
                    & {{{Resistance (\unit{\ohm})}}}
                        & {{{Sheet resistance (\unit{\ohm})}}}
                            & {{{Resistivity (\unit{\ohm\centi\metre})}}} \\
\SetCell[r=3]{l} \qty{10}{\milli\litre}
    & \SetCell[r=4]{l} 7.07
        & 8.42037
            & 38.14444
                & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 0.033292836
                    & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 11.16161
                        & 50.5659
                            &  \SetCell[r=4]{c} 0.035330583 \\
    &   & 9.03046
            & 40.90815
                &   & 11.08799
                        & 50.22873
                            &                               \\
    &   & 8.73346
            & 39.56346
                &   & 10.84388
                        & 49.12298
                            &                               \\
    &   & 8.728096667
            & 39.53868333
                &   & 11.03116
                        & 49.97253667
                            &                               \\
\SetCell[r=6]{l} \qty{20}{\milli\litre}
    &\SetCell[r=7]{l} 12.905
        & 8.69023 
            & 39.36688 
                & \SetCell[r=7]{l} 0.034299208
                    & \SetCell[r=2]{l} 5.62617
                        & \SetCell[r=2]{l} 25.48672
                            & \SetCell[r=7]{l} 0.032975463  \\
    &   & 8.62305 
            & 39.06262 
                &   &   &   &  \\
    &   & 8.46726 
            & 38.3569 
                &   & \SetCell[r=2]{l}  5.70038
                        & \SetCell[r=2]{l}  25.82339
                            &  \\
    &   & 8.69199 
            & 39.37495 
                &   &   &   &  \\
    &   & 8.89965 
            & 40.31551 
                &   & \SetCell[r=2]{l}  5.59538
                        & \SetCell[r=2]{l}  25.3473
                            &  \\
    &   & 8.90406 
            & 40.33552 
                &   &   &   &  \\
    &   & 8.712706667 
            & 39.46873 
                &   & 8.593513333 
                        & 25.55247 
                            &                               \\
\SetCell[r=3]{l} \qty{30}{\milli\litre}
    & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 25.005
        & 5.11619 
            & 21.81757 
                & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 0.01052849
                    & 2.93069 
                        & 13.27621 
                            & \SetCell[r=4]{c} 0.032756433  \\
    &   & 4.59474 
            & 20.80073 
                &   & 2.79338 
                        & 12.65416 
                            &                               \\
    &   & 4.76615 
            & 21.59088 
                &   & 2.95128 
                        & 13.36949 
                            &                               \\
    &   & 4.825693333 
            & 21.40306 
                &   & 2.891783333 
                        & 13.09995333 
                            &                               \\

