
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
%%% Main drive for pdflatex %%
% \foreach \n in {0,...,22}{do something}
%% length setup
    \begin{enumerate}[\bfseries 1\quad][10]%
In this paper:\\
There are 3 questions in section A. \\
There are 2 questions in section B. \\
There are 3 questions in section C. \\
There are \TotalValue{qnumber} questions in total.
\section*{Section A: \ \ \ Pure Mathematics}
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
\section*{Section B: \ \ \ XXXXXX}
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

\section*{Section C: \ \ \ XXXXX}

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 



There are xxx questions in section A. \\
There are xxx questions in section B. \\
There are xxx questions in section C. \\







\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}

%% infrastructure

  % save the value of qnumber
  \section*{Section \theqsection:\quad #1}%

  \iow_shipout:cx { @auxout } { \QUESTIONS{\arabic{qsection}}{\arabic{qnumber}} }
  \seq_gput_right:Nn \g_casper_questions_seq { \RESUMESECTION{#1}{#2} }
  \int_gadd:Nn \g_casper_questions_int { #2 }
  \int_compare:nF { #1 = 0 }
    There~are~#2~questions~in~section~\int_to_Alph:n { #1 }.
\NewDocumentCommand{\QSECTIONS} { m }
  \int_gset:Nn \g_casper_sections_int { #1 }
  \seq_use:Nn \g_casper_questions_seq { \par }
  There~are~\int_to_arabic:n { \g_casper_questions_int }~questions~in~total.

\seq_new:N \g_casper_questions_seq
\int_new:N \g_casper_questions_int
\int_new:N \g_casper_sections_int


%% length setup

% specific environment

  \begin{enumerate}[\bfseries 1\quad][10]%



\qsection{Pure Mathematics}

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 


some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 


some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 




\gdef \@abspage@last{2}

您可以看到正确的值已被保存并在下次运行 LaTeX 时使用。

如果你想保留\section*并手动编号部分…将后面的代码替换%% infrastructure

%% infrastructure

  % save the value of qnumber



\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}

%% infrastructure

  % save the value of qnumber

  \iow_shipout:cx { @auxout } { \QUESTIONS{\arabic{qsection}}{\arabic{qnumber}} }
  \seq_gput_right:Nx \g_casper_questions_seq
    \RESUMESECTION{#1}{ \int_eval:n { #2 - \g_casper_questions_int } }
  \int_gset:Nn \g_casper_questions_int { #2 }
  \int_compare:nF { #1 = 0 }
    There~are~#2~questions~in~section~\int_to_Alph:n { #1 }.
\NewDocumentCommand{\QSECTIONS} { m }
  \int_gset:Nn \g_casper_sections_int { #1 }
  \seq_use:Nn \g_casper_questions_seq { \par }
  There~are~\int_to_arabic:n { \g_casper_questions_int }~questions~in~total.

\seq_new:N \g_casper_questions_seq
\int_new:N \g_casper_questions_int
\int_new:N \g_casper_sections_int


%% length setup

% specific environment

  \begin{enumerate}[\bfseries 1\quad][10]%



\section*{Section A: Pure Mathematics}

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

\section*{Section B: XXXXXX}

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

\section*{Section C: XXXXX}

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 

some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 
some texts some texts some texts some texts some texts 


