思维导图 - 2 级条件锚定

思维导图 - 2 级条件锚定

cfr 的漂亮解决方案允许使用2 级节点的样式类似于注释


然而,我正在努力level 2使它看起来更和谐,如下所示(我在油漆上作弊以显示预期的结果)。

我想象这个想法是有一个移动的锚点(east对于level 2左侧的节点,west锚点在思维导图的右侧节点上?更细粒度,倾斜以遵循从 1 级开始的路径?我不知道什么是可行的)。话虽如此,我无法找到如何区分这些情况的起点 :/


% original MWE from cfr.

  set angles for level/.style={level #1/.append style={sibling angle=360/(\the\tikznumberofchildren+4)}},
  level/.append code={
    \ifx\tempa\tempb\tikzset{level 1/.append style={sibling angle=360/\the\tikznumberofchildren}}\else\tikzset{set angles for level=#1}\fi},
%     set angles for level=#1},% solution 1
    text width=15em,
  cncc/.style={ edge from parent path={ (\tikzparentnode.#1) to [bend right] (\tikzchildnode)   } },
\begin{tikzpicture}[level 1 concept/.append style={font=\large, level distance=150}]
  \path[mindmap, concept color=Aquamarine, grow cyclic]
  node[concept] {ICF Core \\ Competencies}%[clockwise from=45]
  child[concept color=blue!20!white] {
    node[concept] (def) {Setting the Foundation}
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Meeting Ethical Guidelines \& Professional Standards} edge from parent[cncc=west] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing the Coaching Agreement} edge from parent[cncc=west] }
  child[concept color=Pink]  { node[concept] {Co-creating the \\ Relationship} 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc=south] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=south] } 
  child[concept color=Bisque]{ node[concept] {Communicating Effectively} 
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc=east] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=east] }    
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=south] }    
  child[concept color=Cyan]  { node[concept] {Facilitating Learning \& Results} 
    [clockwise from=90]
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc=west] }
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=west] } 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=north] } 
    child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc=east] }     


如果您想要将路径与 2 级条目完美对齐,则需要手动调整它们。因为它取决于文本宽度、条目的最小大小和锚点。我在 中添加了两个参数,non-concept/.style并在 中添加了一个参数cncc/.style。在 中non-concept/.style,第一个参数 #1 用于指定文本宽度,第二个参数 #2 用于指定 2 级节点的最小大小。在 中cncc/.style,第一个参数 #1 仍然是 1 级父节点的锚点,第二个参数 #2 是 2 级子节点的锚点。我还为每个 2 级条目添加了框架,以便明确看到效果(注释掉 中将draw不会non-concept/.style添加框架)。您可以调整这些参数,使图形接近问题中的预期结果。此外,在某些情况下,您可能需要使用shift手动调整 2 级条目的位置(例如child[shift={(2.5cm,-3cm)},level distance=5cm])。


% original MWE from cfr.

set angles for level/.style={level #1/.append style={sibling angle=360/(\the\tikznumberofchildren+4)}},
level/.append code={
\ifx\tempa\tempb\tikzset{level 1/.append style={sibling angle=360/\the\tikznumberofchildren}}\else\tikzset{set angles for level=#1}\fi},
%     set angles for level=#1},% solution 1
non-concept/.style 2 args={
draw, % comment to make no frames
minimum size=#2,
text width=#1,
cncc/.style n args={2}{ edge from parent path={ (\tikzparentnode.#1) to [bend right] (\tikzchildnode.#2)   } },
\begin{tikzpicture}[level 1 concept/.append style={font=\large, level distance=150}]
\path[mindmap, concept color=Aquamarine, grow cyclic] 
node[concept] {ICF Core \\ Competencies}%[clockwise from=45]
child[concept color=blue!20!white] {
node[concept] (def) {Setting the Foundation}
child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={14em}{1cm}] {Meeting Ethical Guidelines \& Professional Standards} edge from parent[cncc={west}{north}] }
child[shift={(-2cm,1.5cm)},level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={12em}{1cm}] {Establishing the Coaching Agreement} edge from parent[cncc={west}{north west}]}
child[concept color=Pink] { 
node[concept] {Co-creating the \\ Relationship} 
child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={14em}{1cm}] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc={south}{north west}] }
child[level distance=6cm] { node[non-concept={9em}{0.5cm}] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc={south}{south west}] } 
child[text width=7em,concept color=Bisque]{ node[concept] {Communicating Effectively} [clockwise from=0]
child[shift={(2.5cm,-3cm)},level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={14em}{1cm}] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc={east}{south west}] }
child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={9em}{0.5cm}] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc={east}{west}] }    
child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={9em}{0.5cm}] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc={south}{north west}] }    
child[concept color=Cyan]  { node[concept] {Facilitating Learning \& Results} 
[clockwise from=90]
child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={14em}{1cm}] {Establishing Trust \& Intimacy with the Client} edge from parent[cncc={west}{north}] }
child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={8.8em}{0.5cm}] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc={west}{north east}] } 
child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={8.8em}{0.5cm}] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc={north}{east}] } 
child[level distance=5cm] { node[non-concept={8.8em}{0.5cm}] {Coaching Presence} edge from parent[cncc={east}{south east}] }     

