我正在使用“BioMed Central 的 TeX 模板”(“BioMedCentral_article(ZIP 格式) - 首选模板”),New+Content+Item.zip - 您可以通过 WWW 搜索找到它。我添加到空行 56
并在第 376 行和第 377 行(在环境内table
我期望 PDF 图表能够嵌入,但结果却添加了文本“Table.pdf”。我该如何让 PDF 包含在内?
%% %%
%% If you wish to display your graphics for %%
%% your own use using includegraphic or %%
%% includegraphics, then comment out the %%
%% following two lines of code. %%
%% NB: These line *must* be included when %%
%% submitting to BMC. %%
%% All figure files must be submitted as %%
%% separate graphics through the BMC %%
%% submission process, not included in the %%
%% submitted article. %%
%% %%
注释掉第 72 行和第 73 行之后,该图就被包含在内了。