\usepackage{thmtools, thm-restate}
\newcommand{\starCommand}{\if\starBool1{ $(\footnotesize{\bigstar})$}\fi}
\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{\@ifnotempty{#1}{ }\@upn{#2\starCommand}}%
\thmnote{{\the\thm@notefont (#3)}}}
\section{Main part of the paper}
Proofs of theorems marked with a $\star$ are moved to the appendix.
$A \subseteq B$.
$B \subseteq A$.
\section{Details of the proofs}
Knuth told me by text message.
我想创建一个名为 starTheorem 的新环境,它比上面的代码更易于使用。下面,我尝试这样做。
\usepackage{thmtools, thm-restate}
\newcommand{\starCommand}{\if\starBool1{ $(\footnotesize{\bigstar})$}\fi}
\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{\@ifnotempty{#1}{ }\@upn{#2\starCommand}}%
\thmnote{{\the\thm@notefont (#3)}}}
\section{Main part of the paper}
Proofs of theorems marked with a $\star$ are moved to the appendix.
$A \subseteq B$.
$B \subseteq A$.
\section{Details of the proofs}
Knuth told me by text message.
但我收到错误“扫描 \thmt@collect@body 时文件结束”。有什么方法可以修复此问题?