

我很高兴玩彩色饼图Henri Menke 的分享非常好。我根据自己的需要做了一些调整。但是,当我想为\percent\name条目着色时,仍然会出现故障。见下文:我试图使用text={\color}选项(参见实例“警告”)用当前颜色为相关文本着色来实现这一点\color。但是,它变得疯狂,我不明白为什么。请注意,这没有帮助。这很奇怪,因为或\textcolor{\color}{\name}选项工作得很好。fill={\color!50}draw={\color}

% Pie chart with colors
% Author: Henri Menke

  \foreach \percent/\name in {
      20/term 1,
      20/term 2,
      20/term 3,
      20/term 4,
      20/term 5,
    } {
      \ifx\percent\empty\else               % If \percent is empty, do nothing
        \global\advance\cyclecount by 1     % Advance cyclecount
        \global\advance\ind by 1            % Advance list index
        \ifnum5<\cyclecount                 % If cyclecount is larger than list
          \global\cyclecount=0              %   reset cyclecount and
          \global\ind=0                     %   reset list index
        \pgfmathparse{\cyclelist[\the\ind]} % Get color from cycle list
        \edef\color{\pgfmathresult}         %   and store as \color
        % Draw angle and set labels
        \draw[fill={\color!50},draw=white] (0,0) -- (\angle:\radius) arc (\angle:\angle+\percent*3.6:\radius) -- cycle;
        \node[text={\color}] at (\angle+0.5*\percent*3.6:0.8*\radius) {\percent}; % WARNING
        \draw (\angle+0.5*\percent*3.6:\radius)--(\angle+0.5*\percent*3.6:1.2*\radius)node[circle,fill=white,inner sep=0pt,text={\color}]{\name}; % WARNING
        \filldraw (\angle+0.5*\percent*3.6:\radius) circle (1pt);
        \pgfmathparse{\angle+\percent*3.6}  % Advance angle
        \xdef\angle{\pgfmathresult}         %   and store in \angle






  \foreach \percent/\name in {
      20/term 1,
      20/term 2,
      20/term 3,
      20/term 4,
      20/term 5,
    } {
      \ifx\percent\empty\else               % If \percent is empty, do nothing
        \global\advance\cyclecount by 1     % Advance cyclecount
        \global\advance\ind by 1            % Advance list index
        \ifnum5<\cyclecount                 % If cyclecount is larger than list
          \global\cyclecount=0              %   reset cyclecount and
          \global\ind=0                     %   reset list index
        \pgfmathparse{\cyclelist[\the\ind]} % Get color from cycle list
        \edef\mycolor{\pgfmathresult}         %   and store as \mycolor
        % Draw angle and set labels
        \draw[fill={\mycolor!50},draw=white] (0,0) -- (\angle:\radius) arc (\angle:\angle+\percent*3.6:\radius) -- cycle;
        \node[text={\mycolor}] at (\angle+0.5*\percent*3.6:0.8*\radius) {\percent}; % WARNING
        \draw (\angle+0.5*\percent*3.6:\radius)--(\angle+0.5*\percent*3.6:1.2*\radius)node[circle,fill=white,inner sep=0pt,text={\mycolor}]{\name}; % WARNING
        \filldraw (\angle+0.5*\percent*3.6:\radius) circle (1pt);
        \pgfmathparse{\angle+\percent*3.6}  % Advance angle
        \xdef\angle{\pgfmathresult}         %   and store in \angle
