

有人知道我该如何在 Latex 中复制这个考试题目吗?不必完全一样,只要接近这个格式就行。任何帮助我都非常感谢!



你可能想看看pgfplots 包对于曲线。

我实际上不太了解这个软件包或使用它;我既不是数学家,也不是数学老师,也不是熟练的 pgf/tikz 用户。我刚刚看到你的帖子,觉得尝试一下会很有趣。这是我的业余尝试,希望对你有用。

对此有更深了解的人可能会弄清楚如何使用 来正确放置虚线\foreach,但没关系。而且我尝试的其他部分也有点黑客化。可能是一种更简单的方法。



% for the curve figure

% for the table and the problem numbers

% needed to plot the curve

% a counter to use for the problem numbers
% I start at 31 just to match your sample


\sffamily% sans serif font; not necessary
\raggedright% don't just full justification, also not necessary
\noindent\begin{tabular}{% begin the table
    |p{0.5\textwidth}|% first column is that width with vertical bars
    >{\refstepcounter{mycounter}% before the second column we up the counter
    \begin{enumerate}[nolistsep,leftmargin=1.5em,% then start a list
    ]\item}% then insert an item for the list
    p{0.4\textwidth}% second column is this width
    <{\end{enumerate}}% end the list at end of column
    @{\qquad}|} % put some space on right of right column
    \hline % horizontal line
    \multicolumn{2}{|l|}{% first cell takes up two columns
        \vphantom{\rule{1pt}{10pt}}\textbf{% add a little padding to top
        Label the normal distribution curve, then
        answer the questions that follow.}}  \\ \hline
    \multirow{3}{8cm}{% this is the big cell

\smallskip\centering % some space at top, make centered

The ages of the 32 recruits in police academy are normally
distributed with a mean of 27 with a standard deviation of 2.

\smallskip % a little space
    domain=21.5:32.5,% x value range
    range=0:0.20,% y value range
    hide x axis,% no axes
    hide y axis
% the curve itself
\addplot [very thick] {gauss(x,27,2)};
% line at bottom
\draw [thick] (axis cs:21.5,0) -- (axis cs:32.5,0);
% dashed lines up to curve; I'm sure this can be done a better way
\draw [thick, dashed] (axis cs:27,0) -- (axis cs:27,\valueMid);
\draw [thick, dashed] (axis cs:25.8,0) -- (axis cs:25.8,\valueLI);
\draw [thick, dashed] (axis cs:24.6,0) -- (axis cs:24.6,\valueLM);
\draw [thick, dashed] (axis cs:23.4,0) -- (axis cs:23.4,\valueLO);
\draw [thick, dashed] (axis cs:28.2,0) -- (axis cs:28.2,\valueRI);
\draw [thick, dashed] (axis cs:29.4,0) -- (axis cs:29.4,\valueRM);
\draw [thick, dashed] (axis cs:30.6,0) -- (axis cs:30.6,\valueRO);
\end{tikzpicture}} &
What percent of the recruits are between ages 23 and 27?
\bigskip % put space underneath questions
\\\cline{2-2} % draw horizontal line only in second column
What is the probability that a recruit is at least 31 years old?
\\ \cline{2-2}
Approximately how many recruits are at most 29 years old?
 \\ \hline




欢迎来到 tex.stackexchange!我在这里介绍几个选项:



第一种使用 TiZ,而第二个使用tabular。在这两种情况下,图形框架(左侧)中的材料几乎由您决定 - 只要合适,您可以将任何东西放进去。之后的任何内容\quess(最多\end{...}都是一个枚举列表,每行以 开头\item。我在代码中包含了示例。





\usepackage{tikz}%% For myquestion

\usetikzlibrary{calc,shapes.multipart,positioning,trees,snakes}%% For myquestion

%% Store material for the left and right frames:

\setlength{\qsep}{0.25in}%% <<< Set as default spacing between questions>>>
\setlength{\qwidth}{4in}%% <<<Set to the desired defaultzz width>>>

%% |=====8><-----| %%


%% |=====8><-----| %% Uses TikZ and shapes.multipart

        \begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr0.5\qwidth-12pt\relax}%% to fit \qwidth
        \node[rectangle split,rectangle split parts=2,rectangle split part align=left,draw] (Q) {%
        \draw (Q.one split) -- (Q.south);

%% |=====8><-----| %% Uses tabular

        \begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr0.5\qwidth-18pt\relax}%% to fit \qwidth

\NewDocumentCommand{\quess}{}{% use \item for each question in the right-hand frame
    %% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/21596/resuming-a-list-started-within-a-minipage
        \begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr0.5\qwidth-12pt\relax}%% to fit \qwidth

%% |=====8><-----| %%

% Use:

% \begin{myquestion}{<The title or question>}%% or: \begin{myquestionalt}{<The title or question>}
%   contents of the left side for figures, etc
%   \quess
%   Enumerate questions (use \item)
% \end{myquestion}%% or \end{myquestionalt}

% or, showing optional argument:

% \begin{myquestion}[qsep=0.25in]{<The title or question>} or
%   \begin{myquestion}[qsep=0.25in]{<The title or question>}%% 
%   contents of the left side
%   \quess
%   Enumerate questions (use \item)
% \end{myquestion}%% or \end{myquestionalt}


\begin{myquestion}[qwidth=4.5in]{This is a test using Ti\emph{k}Z}%% Uses default qsep
    A Ti\emph{k}z figure on the left

    %% https://texample.net/tikz/examples/title-graphics/
    \tikzstyle{level 1}=[sibling angle=120]
    \tikzstyle{level 2}=[sibling angle=60]
    \tikzstyle{level 3}=[sibling angle=30]
    \tikzstyle{every node}=[fill]
    \tikzstyle{edge from parent}=[snake=expanding waves,segment length=1mm,
                                  segment angle=10,draw]
        \begin{tikzpicture}[grow cyclic,shape=circle,very thick,level distance=13mm,cap=round]
        \node {} child [color=\A] foreach \A in {red,green,blue}
            { node {} child [color=\A!50!\B] foreach \B in {red,green,blue}
                { node {} child [color=\A!50!\B!50!\C] foreach \C in {black,gray,white}
                    { node {} }

\item A first question that might actually be quite lengthy
\item A second question
\item A third question

\begin{myquestion}[qsep=0.5in]{This is another test}%% 
A figure on the left

\item A fourth question
\item A fifth question
\item A sixth question

%% |=====8><-----| %%

\setcounter{quenum}{0}%% <<<Use this to start a new series of questions>>>

\begin{myquestionalt}{This is a test using a tabular}
    A Ti\emph{k}z figure on the left

    %% https://texample.net/tikz/examples/title-graphics/
    \tikzstyle{level 1}=[sibling angle=120]
    \tikzstyle{level 2}=[sibling angle=60]
    \tikzstyle{level 3}=[sibling angle=30]
    \tikzstyle{every node}=[fill]
    \tikzstyle{edge from parent}=[snake=expanding waves,segment length=1mm,
                                  segment angle=10,draw]
        \begin{tikzpicture}[grow cyclic,shape=circle,very thick,level distance=13mm,cap=round]
        \node {} child [color=\A] foreach \A in {red,green,blue}
            { node {} child [color=\A!50!\B] foreach \B in {red,green,blue}
                { node {} child [color=\A!50!\B!50!\C] foreach \C in {black,gray,white}
                    { node {} }
\item A first question
\item A second question
\item A third question

\begin{myquestionalt}[qwidth=3.75in,qsep=0.15in]{This is another test}
A figure on the left

\item A fourth question
\item A fifth question
\item A sixth question


