acmart 未定义引用错误和辅助文件中多次定义的引用键

acmart 未定义引用错误和辅助文件中多次定义的引用键

这是我第一次使用该acmart包。构建时,我的所有内联引用都会触发Citation ... on page x undefined错误。但也有There were multiply defined citations.警告。


在 PDF 文件中,所有内联引用都显示为??。参考书目中所有项目编号都乱了套,并且每个项目前都有多余的])符号:



\bibcite{)}{{1}{[n.\,d.(@}{{Alaloul et~al\mbox  {.}}}{{}}}
\bibcite{a}{{2}{[n.\,d.(@}{{Grčar et~al\mbox  {.}}}{{}}}
\bibcite{b}{{3}{[n.\,d.(@}{{Grčar et~al\mbox  {.}}}{{}}}
\bibcite{)}{{4}{[n.\,d.(@}{{Gupta et~al\mbox  {.}}}{{}}}
\bibcite{)}{{6}{[n.\,d.(@}{{Lazer et~al\mbox  {.}}}{{}}}


\keywords{kw, k}
\cite{alaloulArtificialNeuralNetworks2018, khanKnowledgeExtractionSurvey2013, grcarKNNSVMCollaborative2006, guptaMovieRecommenderSystem2020}.
\cite{grcarKNNSVMCollaborative2006, guptaMovieRecommenderSystem2020}.
\cite{grcarKNNSVMCollaborative2006, grcarDataSparsityIssues2006}
  title = {An {{Artificial}} Neural Networks ({{ANN}}) Model for Evaluating Construction Project Performance Based on Coordination Factors},
  author = {Alaloul, Wesam Salah and Liew, Mohd Shahir and Wan Zawawi, Noor Amila and Mohammed, Bashar S and Adamu, Musa},
  editor = {Aziz, Hamidi Abdul},
  date = {2018-01-01},
  journaltitle = {Cogent Engineering},
  volume = {5},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1507657},
  publisher = {{Cogent OA}},
  issn = {null},
  doi = {10.1080/23311916.2018.1507657},
  url = {},
  urldate = {2022-05-09},
  annotation = {\_eprint:},
  file = {/Users/zeyu/Zotero/storage/UC2IUWIL/Alaloul 等。 - 2018 - An Artificial neural networks (ANN) model for eval.pdf}

  title = {Data {{Sparsity Issues}} in the {{Collaborative Filtering Framework}}},
  booktitle = {Advances in {{Web Mining}} and {{Web Usage Analysis}}},
  author = {Grčar, Miha and Mladenič, Dunja and Fortuna, Blaž and Grobelnik, Marko},
  editor = {Nasraoui, Olfa and Zaïane, Osmar and Spiliopoulou, Myra and Mobasher, Bamshad and Masand, Brij and Yu, Philip S.},
  date = {2006},
  series = {Lecture {{Notes}} in {{Computer Science}}},
  pages = {58--76},
  publisher = {{Springer}},
  location = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
  doi = {10.1007/11891321_4},
  isbn = {978-3-540-46348-1},
  langid = {english}

  title = {{{kNN Versus SVM}} in the {{Collaborative Filtering Framework}}},
  booktitle = {Data {{Science}} and {{Classification}}},
  author = {Grčar, Miha and Fortuna, Blaž and Mladenič, Dunja and Grobelnik, Marko},
  editor = {Batagelj, Vladimir and Bock, Hans-Hermann and Ferligoj, Anuška and Žiberna, Aleš},
  date = {2006},
  series = {Studies in {{Classification}}, {{Data Analysis}}, and {{Knowledge Organization}}},
  pages = {251--260},
  publisher = {{Springer}},
  location = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}},
  doi = {10.1007/3-540-34416-0_27},
  isbn = {978-3-540-34416-2},
  langid = {english}

  title = {Movie {{Recommender System Using Collaborative Filtering}}},
  booktitle = {2020 {{International Conference}} on {{Electronics}} and {{Sustainable Communication Systems}} ({{ICESC}})},
  author = {Gupta, Meenu and Thakkar, Aditya and {Aashish} and Gupta, Vishal and Rathore, Dhruv Pratap Singh},
  date = {2020-07},
  pages = {415--420},
  doi = {10.1109/ICESC48915.2020.9155879},
  eventtitle = {2020 {{International Conference}} on {{Electronics}} and {{Sustainable Communication Systems}} ({{ICESC}})},
  file = {/Users/zeyu/Zotero/storage/GGIKU7KX/9155879.html}

  title = {Knowledge {{Extraction}} from {{Survey Data}} Using {{Neural Networks}}},
  author = {Khan, Imran},
  date = {2013-07-17},
  journaltitle = {Computer Science Theses},
  url = {},
  file = {/Users/zeyu/Zotero/storage/C3WCK4ZG/1.html}

  title = {Social Science. {{Computational}} Social Science},
  author = {Lazer, David and Pentland, Alex and Adamic, Lada and Aral, Sinan and Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo and Brewer, Devon and Christakis, Nicholas and Contractor, Noshir and Fowler, James and Gutmann, Myron and Jebara, Tony and King, Gary and Macy, Michael and Roy, Deb and Van Alstyne, Marshall},
  date = {2009-03-01},
  journaltitle = {Science (New York, N.Y.)},
  shortjournal = {Science (New York, N.Y.)},
  volume = {323},
  pages = {721--3},
  doi = {10.1126/science.1167742},
  file = {/Users/zeyu/Zotero/storage/QFXY78U2/Lazer 等。 - 2009 - Social science. Computational social science.pdf}

并且.bib由 Zotero Better BibLatex 插件导出。


环境:M1 Mac 上的 BasicTex 2022,已安装所有相关依赖项。(可以编译ACM 模板)。latexmk -pdf(即 pdflatex)、xelatex和 manualpdflatex -> bibtex -> pdflatex*2都经过了测试。Overleaf 上的 Tex Live 2021-2019 也经过了测试。


感谢 Ulrike Fischer 的评论,指出了 BibTeX 和 BibLaTeX 之间的区别。我刚刚快速搜索了一下,确实存在这个问题。


大多数学术出版商(支持 LaTeX)不支持 BibLaTeX,要求参考文献采用 BibTeX 格式或其编译格式。

因此,重新导出 BibTeX 版本的参考书目将解决问题。
