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\begin{tabular}{ l l l}
Good & Variable & Content \\
Beef & \thead[l]{EF88 \\ EF89 \\ EF90\\ EF91} & \thead[l]{Beef to cook \\ Beef to braise and roast \\ Veal \\ Other beef incl. ground meat} \\
Pork & \thead[l]{EF92 \\ EF100 \\ EF101 \\ EF102 \\ EF103 \\ EF104} & \thead[l]{Pork incl. ground meat \\ Dried, salted, smoked and sausage products \\ Sausages to grill \\ Sausages to cook \\ Canned sausages \\ Other sausages} \\
Poultry & \thead[l]{EF94 \\ EF95 \\ EF96 \\ EF97} & \thead[l]{Chicken\\ Duck \\ Turkey \\ Other poultry }\\
Cheese & \thead[l]{EF128 \\ EF129 \\ EF130 \\ EF131 \\ EF132 \\ EF133 \\ EF135} & \thead[l]{Hard cheese \\ Semi-hard cheese \\ Soft cheese \\ Sour milk cheese \\ Cheese spread \\ Cream cheese \\ Other cheese} \\
Butter & EF145 & \\
Milk & EF144 & \\
Yoghurt & EF127 & \\
Cream & EF136 & \\
\caption{Overview of variable construction}
\caption{First stage budget share Engel curves}
\caption{Second stage budget share Engel curves}
\caption{First stage quantity Engel curves}
\caption{Second stage quantity Engel curves}
\caption{First stage log(quantity) Engel curves}
\caption{Second stage log(quantity) Engel curves}
\begin{tabular}{l *{6}{S}}
\multicolumn{7}{c}{Price} \\
& {Meat} & {Dairy} & {Vegetables} & {Fruits} & {\thead[l]{Potatoes \\ Pasta \\ Rice}} & {\thead[l]{Bread \\ Oats}} \\
Meat & -1.017*** & 0.044*** & -0.090*** & -0.140*** & -0.049*** & -0.165*** \\
Dairy & 0.097*** & -1.009*** & -0.044*** & -0.009 & 0.030*** & -0.021** \\
Fruits & 0.000 & -0.044*** & -0.688*** & 0.006 & -0.039*** & 0.020 \\
& -0.089*** & 0.057*** & 0.025* & -0.673*** & -0.001 & 0.009 \\
\thead[l]{Potatoes \\ Pasta \\ Rice}
& -0.194*** & -0.046** & -0.016 & -0.073*** & -0.780*** & -0.043* \\
\thead[l]{Bread \\ Oats}
& 0.003 & -0.099*** & -0.118*** & -0.047** & 0.010 & -0.496*** \\
\multicolumn{7}{c}{\footnotesize * p$<$0.1, ** p$<$0.05, *** p$<$0.01}
\caption{First stage estimation of own- and cross-price elasticities}
\begin{tabular}{l *{3}{S}}
\multicolumn{4}{c}{Price} \\
& {Beef} & {Pork} & {Poultry} \\
Beef & -0.494*** & -0.516*** & -0.228*** \\
Pork & -0.048*** & -0.903*** & 0.008 \\
Poultry & -0.209*** & -0.082** & -0.822*** \\
\multicolumn{4}{c}{\footnotesize * p$<$0.1, ** p$<$0.05, *** p$<$0.01}
\caption{Second stage estimation of own- and cross-price elasticities}
\begin{tabular}{l *{5}{S}}
\multicolumn{6}{c}{Price} \\
& {Cheese} & {Butter} & {Milk} & {Yoghurt} & {Cream} \\
Cheese & -0.847*** & 0.002 & -0.068*** & -0.066*** & -0.031** \\
Butter & 0.017 & -0.996*** & 0.007 & 0.008 & -0.028\\
Milk & -0.224*** & 0.002 & -0.846*** & 0.029 & 0.016 \\
Yoghurt & -0.208*** & 0.018 & 0.052 & -0.748*** & -0.033 \\
Cream & -0.289*** & -0.072 & 0.039 & -0.091*** & -0.631*** \\
\multicolumn{6}{c}{\footnotesize * p$<$0.1, ** p$<$0.05, *** p$<$0.01}
\caption{Second stage estimation of own- and cross-price elasticities}
\caption{Absolute and relative carbon taxes based on a carbon price of 30\euro/tCO$_2$} \label{taxes_low}
\begin{tabular}[width=\textwidth]{c c c}
Income quintile & Upper interval boundary & Within-quintile mean \\
1 & $<$ 17.552\euro & 12.980\euro\\
2 & $<$ 24.795\euro & 21.292\euro\\
3 & $<$ 32.216\euro & 28.374\euro\\
4 & $<$ 42.539\euro & 36.910\euro\\
5 & $<$ 715.588\euro & 60.591\euro\\
\caption{Annual household net income quintile description}
但是,我希望它显示为附录而不是 A。我该如何实现这一点?
抱歉,这篇文章有点长,但我希望这能解决我的问题。坦率地说,我只是一个 Latex 的初学者。