![从 \newcommand 传递表格参数](https://linux22.com/image/450163/%E4%BB%8E%20%5Cnewcommand%20%E4%BC%A0%E9%80%92%E8%A1%A8%E6%A0%BC%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0.png)
所以我昨天问了这个问题,但我意识到我没有很好地解释它。我基本上需要读取具有不同列数的不同 csv 文件,并且我需要构建一个命令来自动将其放入表格中。列应该能够换行以允许长文本,并且它们的宽度应该是可调整的。我希望表格参数可以从命令中作为第三个参数传递,但我无法让它工作。
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6.25in, 9.75in}]{geometry}
title 1,title 2,title 3,title 4,title 5,title 6,title 7
sample 1,type 1,Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries but also the leap into electronic typesetting remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum
sample 2,type 2,There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text
sample 3,type 3,The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from
sample 4,type 4,de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form
sample 5,type 5,The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition injected humour or non-characteristic words etc.
%to run the different files comment out one after head line and change file in \csvautotabularcenter
after head=\csv@pretable\begin{tabular}{|p{2cm}| p{1cm}| p{12cm}|}\csv@tablehead,
%after head=\csv@pretable\begin{tabular}{|p{1cm}|p{1cm}|p{1cm}|p{3cm}|p{2cm}|p{1cm}|p{4cm}|}\csv@tablehead, %to be able to run 1.csv need to change tabular arguments
table head=\hline\csvlinetotablerow\\\hline,
late after line=\\,
table foot=\\\hline,
late after last line=\csv@tablefoot\end{tabular}\csv@posttable,
\newcommand{\csvautotabularcenter}[2][respect underscore=true]{\csvloop{autotabularcenter={#2},#1}}
\csvautotabularcenter{2.csv} %pass tabular arguments (eg |p{2cm}| p{1cm}| p{12cm}| or |p{1cm}|p{1cm}|p{1cm}|p{3cm}|p{2cm}|p{1cm}|p{4cm}|) from here
该宏首先完整构建表体,然后排版表。它有几个 key=value 选项可供自定义,希望注释足以让您理解它们。
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6.25in, 9.75in}]{geometry}
title 1,title 2,title 3,title 4,title 5,title 6,title 7
sample 1;type 1;_^Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries but also the leap into electronic typesetting remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum
sample 2;type 2;There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text
sample 3;type 3;The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from
sample 4;type 4;de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form
sample 5;type 5;The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition injected humour or non-characteristic words etc.
\tl_new:N \l__tabgen_body_tl
\tl_new:N \l__tabgen_line_tl
\seq_new:N \l__tabgen_line_seq
\int_new:N \l__tabgen_cols_int
\ior_new:N \l__tabgen_file_stream
\keys_define:nn { tabgen }
% environment to use
env .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_env_tl
,env .initial:n = tabular
% extra argument to the environment (between env and col)
,env-arg .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_envarg_tl
% column-spec to use (as mandatory argument to env)
,col .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_col_tl
% if no explicit col is given use this for each column (if empty uses p{})
,auto-col .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_autocol_tl
% before title line
,top .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_top_tl
% between title line and first line
,mid .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_mid_tl
,mid .initial:n = \\
% after last line
,bot .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_bot_tl
% end of each normal line
,eol .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_eol_tl
,eol .initial:n = \\
% beginning of each normal line
,bol .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_bol_tl
% column separator in input file
,sep .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_sep_tl
,sep .initial:n = {,}
,str .bool_set:N = \l__tabgen_str_bool
,replace .tl_set:N = \l__tabgen_replace_tl
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \prg_replicate:nn { ne }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_replace_all:Nnn { NV }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \seq_set_split:Nnn { NVV }
\NewDocumentCommand \tabgen { O{} m }
\keys_set:nn { tabgen } {#1}
\tabgen_read_file:n {#2}
\tabgen_replace:V \l__tabgen_replace_tl
\tl_if_empty:NTF \l__tabgen_envarg_tl
\l__tabgen_env_tl \l__tabgen_col_tl \l__tabgen_body_tl
\l__tabgen_env_tl \l__tabgen_col_tl \l__tabgen_body_tl
\NewDocumentCommand \tabgenSetup { m } { \keys_set:nn { tabgen } {#1} }
\cs_new:Npn \tabgenHead {}
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tabgen_autocol:
\int_set:Nn \l__tabgen_cols_int { \seq_count:N \l__tabgen_line_seq }
\tl_set:Nx \l__tabgen_col_tl
\prg_replicate:ne \l__tabgen_cols_int
\tl_if_empty:NTF \l__tabgen_autocol_tl
{ \linewidth / \l__tabgen_cols_int - 2 \tabcolsep }
{ \exp_not:V \l__tabgen_autocol_tl }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tabgen_head_line:
\ior_get:NN \l__tabgen_file_stream \l__tabgen_line_tl
\seq_set_split:NVV \l__tabgen_line_seq \l__tabgen_sep_tl \l__tabgen_line_tl
\tl_if_empty:NT \l__tabgen_col_tl { \__tabgen_autocol: }
\tl_clear:N \l__tabgen_line_tl
\seq_map_inline:Nn \l__tabgen_line_seq
{ \tl_put_right:Nn \l__tabgen_line_tl { & {##1} } }
\tl_set:Nx \l__tabgen_line_tl { \tl_tail:N \l__tabgen_line_tl }
\cs_set_eq:NN \tabgenHead \l__tabgen_line_tl
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tabgen_body:nN #1#2
#2 \l__tabgen_file_stream \l__tabgen_line_tl
\tl_replace_all:Nnn \l__tabgen_line_tl {#1} { & }
\tl_put_right:Nx \l__tabgen_body_tl
\exp_not:V \l__tabgen_bol_tl
\exp_not:V \l__tabgen_line_tl
\exp_not:V \l__tabgen_eol_tl
\cs_new_protected:Npn \tabgen_replace:n
{ \keyval_parse:NNn \__tabgen_replace_err:n \__tabgen_replace:nn }
\msg_new:nnn { tabgen } { missing-replacement }
{ Missing~ replacement~ for~ input~ #1 }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tabgen_replace_err:n
{ \msg_error:nnn { tabgen } { missing-replacement } }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__tabgen_replace:nn
{ \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l__tabgen_body_tl }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tabgen_replace:n { V }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__tabgen_body:nN { V }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__tabgen_body:nN { e }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \tabgen_read_file:n #1
\ior_open:Nn \l__tabgen_file_stream {#1}
\tl_set:Nx \l__tabgen_body_tl
\exp_not:V \l__tabgen_top_tl
\exp_not:V \l__tabgen_line_tl
\exp_not:V \l__tabgen_mid_tl
\bool_if:NTF \l__tabgen_str_bool
{ \tl_to_str:N \l__tabgen_sep_tl }
{ \__tabgen_body:VN \l__tabgen_sep_tl \ior_map_variable:NNn }
\ior_close:N \l__tabgen_file_stream
\tl_put_right:NV \l__tabgen_body_tl \l__tabgen_bot_tl
\cs_new_protected:Npn \tabgen_output:nnn #1#2#3
\begin {#1} {#2}
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tabgen_output:nnn { VVV }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \tabgen_output:nnnn #1#2#3#4
\begin {#1} {#4} {#2}
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tabgen_output:nnnn { VVVV }
\newcommand\gobble[1]{} % used to gobble an \addlinespace after \midrule
top = \toprule
,mid = \\\midrule
,bot = \bottomrule
sep=;, col=llX, env=tabularx, env-arg=\linewidth,
mid=\\\midrule\gobble, bol=\addlinespace, replace={_=\_,^=\^{}}
% packages longtable, siunitx, and booktabs loaded in the preamble
,top={\caption{Test 1}\\\toprule}
\caption[]{Test 1 (continued)}\\\toprule\tabgenHead\\\midrule\endhead