我的 LaTeX 简历以我的出版物列表结尾。其中一些有 50 多位作者,我想通过将一些作者姓名替换为“et al.”来缩短此列表。目前,我已使用此回复中的 .bst 编辑将作者列表限制为 5 位
BibTeX:如何将长作者列表缩减为“Firstauthor et al.”?
但是我更愿意在作者列表中将“et al.”放在我自己的名字后面,而不是放在第五位作者后面,这样总是可以清楚地看到我的名字包含在列表中。我认为这是可能的,因为也可以将特定名称的格式设置为不同于其他名称(例如使用 biblatex 将特定作者设为粗体),但我不知道该怎么做。
更新#1: Moewe 的答案是使用 biblatex-publist,这是正确的方法,但我必须自定义选项以 (1) 适应我以前的引用样式,该样式不基于 biblatex-publist 的基本 authoryear 样式,以及 (2) 将参考书目分为出版物和通信,我以前使用 multibib 做过,但它与 biblatex-publist 不兼容。这是为我工作的 MWE:
\usepackage[bibstyle=publist, plauthorhandling=highlight, plsorting=none, plnumbering=local-descending, hlyear=false, marginyear=true, minnames=4, maxnames=7, isbn=false, url=false, pubstateextra=false]{biblatex}
author = {Quinn Wong and Leonardo Bruce and Damari Leach
and Emilee Berry and Miracle Stafford and Raquel Hammond
and Madilyn Gregory and Amari Valdez and Amaris Carroll
and Terry Monroe and Raymond Leach and Gunnar Koch
and Anne Anne Elk and Anne Uthor},
title = {More Theory on Brontosauruses},
year = {1973},
publisher = {Monthy \& Co.},
location = {London},
author = {Anne Elk},
title = {A Theory on Brontosauruses},
year = {1972},
publisher = {Monthy \& Co.},
location = {London},
author = {Anne Elk},
title = {A new theory on Brontosauruses},
note = {First controversial conference on the world around us, London, UK},
year = {1972}
\usepackage[bibstyle=publist, plauthorhandling=highlight]{biblatex}
author = {Anne Elk},
title = {A Theory on Brontosauruses},
year = {1972},
publisher = {Monthy \& Co.},
location = {London},
author = {Quinn Wong and Leonardo Bruce and Damari Leach
and Emilee Berry and Miracle Stafford and Raquel Hammond
and Madilyn Gregory and Amari Valdez and Amaris Carroll
and Terry Monroe and Raymond Leach and Gunnar Koch
and Anne Anne Elk and Anne Uthor},
title = {More Theory on Brontosauruses},
year = {1973},
publisher = {Monthy \& Co.},
location = {London},