如何在 tikzpicture 中使用动态数值变量?

如何在 tikzpicture 中使用动态数值变量?

我目前正在创建技术文档,通过 tikzpicture 描述跨 I2C 总线的数据流(类似示例的图形)我最初是手动执行此操作的,结果如下: 在此处输入图片描述





%   @brief          Creates a test graphic.
%   @param[in] #1   The x-coordinate of the graphic.
%   @param[in] #2   The y-coordinate of the graphic.
%   @param[in] #3   A comma separated list of strings.
        \readlist*\mylist{#3}                   % Read the comma separated input array.
        \newcommand{\CrossHorDistance}{15pt}    % The horizontal distance of the cross.
        \newcommand{\SeparationDistance}{15pt}  % The horizontal distance to separate each text element by.
        \edef\NextTextCenterX{#1}               % Keeps track of the text's center x-coordinate.
        \edef\NextTextCenterY{#2}               % Keeps track of the text's center y-coordinate.
        \foreachitem \x \in \mylist
            \settowidth{\strwidth}{\x}      % The width of the string at the current font and size in
                                            % point (pt) units.
            \settoheight{\strheight}{\x}    % The height of the string at the current font and size in
                                            % point (pt) units.
            \coordinate (NextPosition) at (\NextTextCenterX, \NextTextCenterY); % The center coordinate position
                                                                                % to place the next text element at.
            % For testing only: Place a dot to show where the center coordinate is on screen.
            %\node at (NextPosition) [circle,
            %                         fill,
            %                         inner sep=1.5pt]{};
            % Paint the text to the page.
            \node[] (NextNode) at (NextPosition) {\x};
            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north west) --
                                ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north east) --
                                ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south east);
            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south west) -- 
                                ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south east) --
                                ([yshift=5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north east);
            % Update the variables that track the x and y coordinates of where to place the next text.
            %\pgfmathparse{\NextTextCenterX + (\strwidth - 20pt)}
            \pgfmathparse{\NextTextCenterX + 5pt} % This doesn't work when using \strwidth...

\CreateTestGraphic{0pt}{0pt}{apple, blueberry, banana}


(本文编译于Overleaf.com使用 XeLaTeX 编译器。

此代码产生以下(损坏且不完整的)结果: 损坏的功能输出 尽管有图形输出,编辑器中仍会出现错误: 编译器错误/警告

我花了很多时间研究,试图弥补我对 TeX 引擎的了解。以下是我的主要问题:

  • 如何创建一个可以通过任意值更新的数值变量(像普通编程语言一样)?我尝试使用\edef\newcommand等,但似乎没有一个像我预期的那样工作。
    示例:double var = 15pt; var += 73pt
    上下文:节点在 tikz 的中心坐标处绘制。如果我想将每个文本元素等距放置以允许交叉线一致流动,我需要更新下一个节点的中心坐标。

  • 我到底如何才能获得以点(pt)为单位的文本的宽度和高度?
    上下文:如上文所述,由于我需要持续跟踪下一个节点的中心坐标,因此我需要了解传入文本的尺寸。我尝试过和width("\x")\settowidth{\wvar}{\x}但当我尝试执行等时,在数学中使用它们并没有取得太大的成果width("\x") * 0.5pt。我还需要获取文本的最大高度,这样我才能为所有图形在正确的高度绘制线条。

在示例代码中,我未能成功使用\strwidth以下表达式中的变量:\pgfmathparse{\NextTextCenterX + (\strwidth * 0.5pt)}。我在这里不知道如何实际维护可更新变量,以及如何获取文本的数值宽度和高度,然后可以在变量中使用这些数值进行操作。


接受答案后的更新(2022 年 5 月 18 日):




%   @brief          Creates a test graphic.
%   @param[in] #1   The x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the graphic.
%   @param[in] #2   A comma separated list of strings.
    \newcommand{\CrossHorDistance}{15pt}    % The horizontal distance for each cross.

            %   Create a blank node and draw the initial starting cross and direction arrow.
            \coordinate (NextNode) at (0,0);
            \node[inner sep=0pt,
                  minimum size=1cm,
                  right=\CrossHorDistance] (NextNode) at (NextNode.east) {};
            \draw [-stealth] ([xshift=-15pt-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.west) --
                             ([xshift=0pt-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.west);
            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north west) --
                                ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south west) --
                                ($([yshift=-5pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south west) + (-5pt, 0pt)$);
            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south west) --
                                ([yshift=5pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north west) --
                                ($([yshift=5pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north west) + (-5pt, 0pt)$);
            % Reset the 'NextNode' in preparation for painting all of the nodes.
            \coordinate (NextNode) at (0,0);
            \foreach \content in {#2}
                \node[text depth=.3\baselineskip,
                      text height=.7\baselineskip,
                      inner sep=0pt,
                      minimum size=1cm,
                      right=\CrossHorDistance] (NextNode) at (NextNode.east) {\content};
                \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north west) --
                                    ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north east) --
                                    ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south east);
                \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south west) --
                                    ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south east) --
                                    ([yshift=5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north east);
            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south east) --
                                ($([yshift=-5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south east) + (5pt, 0pt)$);
            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north east) --
                                ($([yshift=5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north east) + (5pt, 0pt)$);



\CreateTestGraphic{0pt, 0pt}{apple, blueberry, banana}


(本文编译于Overleaf.com使用 XeLaTeX 编译器。

最终输出: 最终最终最终输出

接受答案后的更新#2(2022 年 5 月 18 日):






%   @brief          Creates a test graphic.
%   @param[in] #1   The x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the graphic.
%   @param[in] #2   A comma separated list of colors.
%   @param[in] #3   A comma separated list of strings.
    \newcommand{\CrossHorDistance}{15pt}    % The horizontal distance for each cross.

            %   Create a blank node and draw the initial starting cross and direction arrow.
            \coordinate (NextNode) at (0,0);
            \node[inner sep=0pt,
                  minimum size=1cm,
                  right=\CrossHorDistance] (NextNode) at (NextNode.east) {};
            \draw [-stealth] ([xshift=-15pt-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.west) --
                             ([xshift=0pt-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.west);
            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=0pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance/2] NextNode.west) --
                                ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south west) --
                                ($([yshift=-5pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south west) + (-5pt, 0pt)$);
            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=0pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance/2] NextNode.west) --
                                ([yshift=5pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north west) --
                                ($([yshift=5pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north west) + (-5pt, 0pt)$);
            % Reset the 'NextNode' in preparation for painting all of the nodes.
            \coordinate (NextNode) at (0,0);
            \foreach \content [count=\i] in {#3}
                \node[text depth=.1\baselineskip,
                      text height=.7\baselineskip,
                      inner sep=0pt,
                      minimum size=1cm,
                      right=\CrossHorDistance] (NextNode) at (NextNode.east) {\content};
                    \draw  [color= black,
                            fill = \NextColor,
                            fill opacity=0.5]   ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north west) --
                                                ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north east) --
                                                ([yshift=0pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance/2] NextNode.east) --
                                                ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=0pt] NextNode.south east) --
                                                ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south west) --
                                                ([yshift=0pt, xshift=-\CrossHorDistance/2] NextNode.west) --
                                                ([yshift=5pt, xshift=0pt] NextNode.north west);

            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=0pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance/2] NextNode.east) --
                                ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south east) --
                                ($([yshift=-5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south east) + (5pt, 0pt)$);
            \draw[color=black]  ([yshift=0pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance/2] NextNode.east) --
                                ([yshift=5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north east) --
                                ($([yshift=5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north east) + (5pt, 0pt)$);
            \node [] at ([xshift=\CrossHorDistance + 2.5pt] NextNode.east) {\ldots};



\CreateTestGraphic{0pt, 0pt}{orange, none, red}{apple, blueberry, banana}


(本文编译于Overleaf.com使用 XeLaTeX 编译器。

最终输出: 新的最终输出


您可以在 tikz 形状库中使用这个预定义形状。您可以\foreach在 tikzpicture 范围内定义一个命令,如下所示。第一个参数是初始位置,第二个参数将是您要输入的内容列表:

        signal to=west and east,
        minimum size=1cm, 
        signal pointer angle=110,
\coordinate (a) (0,0);
\foreach \content in {#2}
\node (a) [mynd,text width=2cm] at (a.east) {\content};

\CreateGraphic{0,0}{$\longrightarrow$,(S)tart,7-bit Target (\textbf{Addr})ess,Write Bit,some thing,something longer}
\CreateGraphic{0,-1.5}{$\longrightarrow$,(S)tart,7-bit Target (\textbf{Addr})ess,Write Bit}



\coordinate (NextNode) at (0,0);
\foreach \content in {#3}{
\node[inner sep=0pt,minimum size=1cm,text width=#2,align=center] (NextNode) at ($(NextNode.east)+(#2/2+\CrossHorDistance,0)$) {\content};
\draw[color=black]  ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north west) -- ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north east) -- ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south east);
\draw[color=black]  ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south west) -- ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south east) -- ([yshift=5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north east);

\CreateTestGraphic{0,0}{2cm}{$\longrightarrow$,apple,blueberry longer,banana}% #1(initial position) #2(text width) #3(list of content)
\CreateTestGraphic{0,-2}{2cm}{$\longrightarrow$,apple,blueberry longer,banana,Write Bit}



\coordinate (NextNode) at (0,0);
\foreach \content in {#2}{
\node[inner sep=0pt,minimum size=1cm,align=center,right=\CrossHorDistance] (NextNode) at (NextNode.east) {\content};
\draw[color=black]  ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north west) -- ([yshift=5pt] NextNode.north east) -- ([yshift=-5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.south east);
\draw[color=black]  ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south west) -- ([yshift=-5pt] NextNode.south east) -- ([yshift=5pt, xshift=\CrossHorDistance] NextNode.north east);

\CreateTestGraphic{0,0}{$\longrightarrow$,apple,blueberry longer,banana}% #1(initial position) #2(text width) #3(list of content)
\CreateTestGraphic{0,-2}{blueberry longer,banana,Write Bit}

