如何调整 LaTeX 中表格的宽度?

如何调整 LaTeX 中表格的宽度?

我正在使用 LaTeX,并试图将一个大宽度的表格放入单个页面宽度中。似乎变量的名称太长,从而导致表格“超出”范围。除非采用简化变量名称的解决方案,否则我如何使用 LaTeX 编码将表格放入页面中?在这种情况下,段落或字体更改是否有效?


                    &\multicolumn{6}{c}{}                                                         \\
                    &       count&        mean&         p50&          sd&         min&         max\\
Number of working days listed for the factory&       17099&      215.70&      240.00&       80.25&         1.0&         365\\
Total machine power in the factory (horsepower)&       17534&       35.16&        3.00&      194.12&         0.0&        8242\\
Total number of workers&       17333&       62.49&       14.00&      264.01&         0.0&       10219\\
Factory age         &       14120&       20.25&       14.00&       20.73&         0.0&         262\\
Factory is located in a city, according to the indicated administrative division&       17472&        0.44&        0.00&        0.50&         0.0&           1\\
Number of factories in the same district and industry, raw and unscaled&       17468&       34.94&       17.00&       45.51&         1.0&         202\\
Employed Women      &       17333&        0.25&        0.00&        0.43&         0.0&           1\\
Employed Children   &       17333&        0.09&        0.00&        0.29&         0.0&           1\\
Number of adult women in the Factory&       17333&       13.96&        0.00&      104.33&         0.0&        3643\\
Number of children in the factory, whether male or female&       17333&        1.16&        0.00&        9.01&         0.0&         341\\
Observations        &       17534&            &            &            &            &            \\
\multicolumn{7}{l}{\footnotesize The outcome variable is the log of the factory’s number of working days. The Tobit model in all regressions is right censored at 6, because log(365) is approximately equal to 6.}\\



\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, siunitx}

caption = {unknown},
  label = {tab:???},
remark{Note} = {The outcome variable is the log of the factory’s number of working days. The Tobit model in all regressions is right censored at 6, because $\log(365)$ is approximately equal to 6.}
    colspec = {@{} X[l, cmd={\hangafter=1\hangindent=1em}] 
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                        Q[c, si={table-format=5.0}]
     rowsep = 3pt
    & {{{count}}}   & {{{mean}}}    & {{{p50}}} & {{{sd}}}  & {{{min}}} & {{{max}}} \\
Number of working days listed for the factory
    & 17099         & 215.70        & 240.00    &  80.25    & 1.0       &   365 \\
Total machine power in the factory (horsepower)
    & 17534         &  35.16        &   3.00    & 194.12    &  0.0      &  8242 \\
Total number of workers
    & 17333         & 62.49         &  14.00    & 264.01    &  0.0      & 10219 \\
Factory age         
    & 14120         & 20.25         &  14.00    &  20.73    &  0.0      &   262 \\
Factory is located in a city, according to the indicated administrative division
    & 17472         &  0.44         &   0.00    &   0.50    &  0.0      &     1 \\
Number of factories in the same district and industry, raw and unscaled
    & 17468         & 34.94         & 17.00     &  45.51    & 1.0       &   202 \\
Employed Women      
    & 17333         &  0.25         &  0.00     &   0.43    & 0.0       &     1 \\
Employed Children   
    & 17333         &  0.09         &  0.00     &   0.29    & 0.0       &     1 \\
Number of adult women in the Factory
    & 17333         & 13.96         &  0.00     & 104.33    & 0.0       &  3643 \\
Number of children in the factory, whether male or female
    & 17333         &  1.16         &  0.00     &   9.01    & 0.0       &   341 \\
    & 17534&        &           &           &            &              &       \\

如果您喜欢在表中注释某些值,而不是\sym在 MWE 中定义,而是使用包TblrNote中的命令tabularray





\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class

%\def\sym#1{\ifmmode^{#1}\else\(^{#1}\)\fi} %% not needed
\setlength\tabcolsep{4pt} % default value: 6pt  %% optional
\noindent %<-- important
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} L c 
    T{5.0,group-digits=false} @{}}
 & count & {mean} & {p50} & {sd} & {min} & {max}\\
Number of working days listed for the factory& 17099& 215.70& 240.00& 80.25& 1.0& 365\\
Total machine power in the factory (horsepower)& 17534& 35.16& 3.00& 194.12& 0.0& 8242\\
Total number of workers& 17333& 62.49& 14.00& 264.01& 0.0& 10219\\
Factory age & 14120& 20.25& 14.00& 20.73& 0.0& 262\\
Factory is located in a city, according to the indicated administrative division& 17472& 0.44& 0.00& 0.50& 0.0& 1\\
Number of factories in the same district and industry, raw and unscaled& 17468& 34.94& 17.00& 45.51& 1.0& 202\\
Employed Women & 17333& 0.25& 0.00& 0.43& 0.0& 1\\
Employed Children  & 17333& 0.09& 0.00& 0.29& 0.0& 1\\
Number of adult women in the Factory& 17333& 13.96& 0.00& 104.33& 0.0& 3643\\
Number of children in the factory, whether male or female& 17333& 1.16& 0.00& 9.01& 0.0& 341\\
Observations & 17534& & & & & \\
\multicolumn{7}{@{}p{\textwidth}@{}}{\footnotesize The outcome variable is the (natural) log of the factory’s number of working days. The Tobit model in all regressions is right-censored at 6, because $\ln(365)\approx5.6<6$.}\\

