% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% set all margins to 0 and set business card size
\usepackage{parskip} % remove paragraph indents
\usepackage{fontspec} % load external fonts
\usepackage{tikz} % drawing
\usepackage{fontawesome} % icon font
\usepackage{xcolor} % more colour options
% load and configure tikz libraries
% load external font
\setmainfont{Fira Sans}
\setsansfont{Fira Sans}
\setmonofont{Fira Mono}
% define some lengths for internal spacing
\newlength{\seplinewidth} \setlength{\seplinewidth}{2cm}
\newlength{\seplineheight} \setlength{\seplineheight}{1pt}
\newlength{\seplinedistance} \setlength{\seplinedistance}{0.3cm}
% colour options
\definecolor{seplinecolour}{HTML}{357f2d} % green
\definecolor{iconcolour}{HTML}{2f3142} % dark
\definecolor{textcolour}{HTML}{2f3142} % dark
\definecolor{jobtitlecolour}{HTML}{474a65} % light dark
% change global colour
% \usepackage[colorgrid=true,gridunit=pt]{eso-pic}
% \vspace*{\fill}
\node (logo) {\includegraphics[width=0.95\textwidth]{isulogotest.pdf}}; %\\
\node [below= of logo.south west, anchor=north west] (name) {My First and Last Name};
\node[below=\seplinedistance of logo] (hl1) {};
\matrix [ below = of logo.south east, anchor=north east,%
column 1/.style={anchor=west,color=iconcolour},%
column 2/.style={anchor=west}] (contact){
\node{\faEnvelope}; & \node[font=\normalsize]{[email protected]}; \\
\node{\faPhone}; & \node{+1 202 202 2022}; \\
\node{\faLinkedin}; & \node{/in/myname}; \\
因为您没有提供徽标 PDF 文件,所以我使用这个作为徽标的示例:
但是,无论 PDF 图形的大小如何,它都应该可以工作。我为内容的每个部分绘制了一个框。通过这种方式,您可以更好地看到它们是如何相互对齐的。我在它们之间注释了一个空节点,我不知道您为什么把它放在那里。它们不对齐的原因是因为您在左侧使用了节点,但在右侧使用了矩阵中的节点。它们具有不同的内部分隔距离。因此,您也可以将左侧内容放在带有节点的矩阵中以对齐它们。可以通过在below
命令中给出尺寸来调整徽标下的白色空间(例如below= 0.5cm of logo.south west
在 tikz 之前和\vfill
之后添加了 tikz,以将内容垂直放在页面的中心。
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% set all margins to 0 and set business card size
\usepackage{parskip} % remove paragraph indents
\usepackage{fontspec} % load external fonts
\usepackage{tikz} % drawing
\usepackage{fontawesome} % icon font
\usepackage{xcolor} % more colour options
% load and configure tikz libraries
% load external font
\setmainfont{Fira Sans}
\setsansfont{Fira Sans}
\setmonofont{Fira Mono}
% define some lengths for internal spacing
\newlength{\seplinewidth} \setlength{\seplinewidth}{2cm}
\newlength{\seplineheight} \setlength{\seplineheight}{1pt}
\newlength{\seplinedistance} \setlength{\seplinedistance}{0.3cm}
% colour options
\definecolor{seplinecolour}{HTML}{357f2d} % green
\definecolor{iconcolour}{HTML}{2f3142} % dark
\definecolor{textcolour}{HTML}{2f3142} % dark
\definecolor{jobtitlecolour}{HTML}{474a65} % light dark
% change global colour
% \usepackage[colorgrid=true,gridunit=pt]{eso-pic}
\node (logo) [draw] {\includegraphics[width=0.95\textwidth]{isulogotest.pdf}}; %\\
\matrix [draw,below= 0.5cm of logo.south west, anchor=north west] (name) {\node {My First and Last Name};\\};
%\node[below=\seplinedistance of logo] (hl1) {}; % I comment this empty node which I don't know why you put it here
\matrix [draw, below = 0.5cm of logo.south east, anchor=north east,%
column 1/.style={anchor=west,color=iconcolour},%
column 2/.style={anchor=west}] (contact)
\node{\faEnvelope}; & \node[font=\normalsize]{[email protected]}; \\
\node{\faPhone}; & \node{+1 202 202 2022}; \\
\node{\faLinkedin}; & \node{/in/myname}; \\