

我想画这个图。 在此处输入图片描述

首先。是否有用于此类图表的软件包?或者我应该将其解释为图形(图形(?)),我必须在 tikz 或 pgf 中逐块绘制?

我没有包括 MWE,因为我想知道制作这个图时应该从哪个方向考虑。任何建议都非常感谢!





评论。pic命名的below-left(或-right) 中,最后一个参数控制文本的长度,以防文本长度超过彩色条带。如果不是,则应将该参数设置为 0。也许图表中的above-left(或) 可能需要类似的东西。-right


\documentclass[11pt, margin=1cm]{standalone}



  real \w;
  \w = .2;
  above-left/.style args={color=#1, length=#2, text=#3, label=#4}{
        real \tw;
        \tw = #2 -.2;
      \path[shade, left color=white, right color=#1]
      (0, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \fill[#1] (#2/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2*3/5, \w);
      \path[shade,  left color=#1, right color=white]
      (#2*4/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \path (0, \w +.1)
      node[above right, minimum width=#2,
      text width=\tw cm, align=left,
      inner xsep=.1cm, inner ysep=0,
      label={[minimum width=#2, align=left,
        text width=\tw cm]90:{\tiny\mbox{#4}}
      }, label distance=3pt]
      {\tiny #3};
  above-right/.style args={color=#1, length=#2, text=#3, label=#4}{
        real \tw;
        \tw = #2 -.2;
      \path[shade, left color=white, right color=#1]
      (0, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \fill[#1] (#2/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2*3/5, \w);
      \path[shade,  left color=#1, right color=white]
      (#2*4/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \path (#2, \w +.1)
      node[above left, minimum width=#2,
      text width=\tw cm, align=right,
      inner xsep=.1cm, inner ysep=0,
      label={[minimum width=#2, align=right,
        text width=\tw cm]90:{\tiny\mbox{#4}}
      }, label distance=3pt]
      {\tiny #3};
  below-left/.style args={color=#1, length=#2, text=#3, delta=#4}{
        real \tw;
        \tw = #2 -.2 +#4;
      \path[shade, left color=white, right color=#1]
      (0, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \fill[#1] (#2/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2*3/5, \w);
      \path[shade,  left color=#1, right color=white]
      (#2*4/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \path (0, -.1)
      node[below right, minimum width=#2,
      text width=\tw cm, align=left,
      inner xsep=.1cm, inner ysep=0]
      {\tiny #3};
  below-right/.style args={color=#1, length=#2, text=#3, delta=#4}{
        real \tw;
        \tw = #2 -.2 +#4;
      \path[shade, left color=white, right color=#1]
      (0, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \fill[#1] (#2/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2*3/5, \w);
      \path[shade,  left color=#1, right color=white]
      (#2*4/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \path (#2, -.1)
      node[below left, minimum width=#2,
      text width=\tw cm, align=right,
      inner xsep=.1cm, inner ysep=0]
      {\tiny #3};

  \foreach \t [count=\i from 0] in
  {10 nm, 100 nm, 1\mu m, 10\mu m, 100\mu m, 1 mm, 10 mm}{%
    \draw[gray, very thin] (1.5*\i, .2)
    node[above, minimum height=4ex, inner ysep=1ex, scale=.8, text=black] {$\t$}
    -- ++(0, -10.4); 
  \draw[ultra thick] (-.2, 0) -- (9.2, 0);

  %% the pics
  \path (5, -2) pic {below-left={color=red!80!black, length=1.5,
    text={Unicellular \\[-5pt] marine algae},
  \path (5, -4) pic {below-right={color=red!80!black, length=1,
    text={Human \\[-5pt] macrophage},
  \path (.1, -7) pic {above-right={color=black!70, length=3,
    text={Py-GCMS$^\ast$ \\[-5pt]
    label={$<1\mu m$}}};
  \path (2, -9) pic {above-left={color=black!70, length=7,
    text={Micro-Raman spectroscopy (>50,000 \$) \\[-5pt]
      (Black or dark colored particles cannot be identified)},
    label={$>1\mu m$}}};


感谢 Daniel,我找到了答案!我添加了对数刻度和文本块的变体。

\documentclass[11pt, margin=1cm]{article}



  real \w;
  \w = .2;
  above-left/.style args={color=#1, length=#2, text=#3, label=#4}{
        real \tw;
        \tw = #2 -.2;
      \path[shade, left color=white, right color=#1]
      (0, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \fill[#1] (#2/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2*3/5, \w);
      \path[shade,  left color=#1, right color=white]
      (#2*4/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \path (0, \w +.1)
      node[above right, minimum width=#2,
      text width=\tw cm, align=left,
      inner xsep=.1cm, inner ysep=0,
      label={[minimum width=#2, align=left,
        text width=\tw cm]90:{\tiny\mbox{#4}}
      }, label distance=3pt]
      {\tiny #3};
  above-right/.style args={color=#1, length=#2, text=#3, label=#4}{
        real \tw;
        \tw = #2 -.2;
      \path[shade, left color=white, right color=#1]
      (0, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \fill[#1] (#2/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2*3/5, \w);
      \path[shade,  left color=#1, right color=white]
      (#2*4/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \path (#2, \w +.1)
      node[above left, minimum width=#2,
      text width=\tw cm, align=right,
      inner xsep=.1cm, inner ysep=0,
      label={[minimum width=#2, align=right,
        text width=\tw cm]90:{\tiny\mbox{#4}}
      }, label distance=3pt]
      {\tiny #3};
  inside-bar/.style args={color=#1, length=#2, text=#3, delta=#4}{
        real \tw;
        \tw = #2 -.2 +#4;
      \path[shade, left color=white, right color=#1]
      (0, 0) rectangle ++(#2/7, 2.6*\w);
      \fill[#1] (#2/7, 0) rectangle ++(#2*5/7, 2.6*\w);
      \path[shade,  left color=#1, right color=white]
      (#2*4/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2/7, 2.6*\w);
      \path (#2/2, 1.3*\w)
      node[minimum width=#2,white,
      text width=\tw cm, align=center,
      inner xsep=.1cm, inner ysep=0]
      {\footnotesize #3};
  below-left/.style args={color=#1, length=#2, text=#3, delta=#4}{
        real \tw;
        \tw = #2 -.2 +#4;
      \path[shade, left color=white, right color=#1]
      (0, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \fill[#1] (#2/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2*3/5, \w);
      \path[shade,  left color=#1, right color=white]
      (#2*4/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \path (0, -.1)
      node[below right, minimum width=#2,
      text width=\tw cm, align=left,
      inner xsep=.1cm, inner ysep=0]
      {\tiny #3};
  below-right/.style args={color=#1, length=#2, text=#3, delta=#4}{
        real \tw;
        \tw = #2 -.2 +#4;
      \path[shade, left color=white, right color=#1]
      (0, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \fill[#1] (#2/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2*3/5, \w);
      \path[shade,  left color=#1, right color=white]
      (#2*4/5, 0) rectangle ++(#2/5, \w);
      \path (#2, -.1)
      node[below left, minimum width=#2,
      text width=\tw cm, align=right,
      inner xsep=.1cm, inner ysep=0]
      {\tiny #3};

    log ticks with fixed point,
%           axis line style={thick},
            %xtick distance = 0.5,
            ytick distance = 10,
            %minor x tick num=0,
            %minor y tick num=0,
            x=0.87cm,   y=1cm,
            xmin=0.01, xmax=10000,
            %minor x tick num={1},
            tick label style={font=\tiny},
            ymin=0, ymax=10,

  \foreach \t [count=\i from 0] in
  {\SI{10}{\mm}, \SI{100}{\nm}, \SI{1}{\micro\m}, \SI{10}{\micro\m}, \SI{100}{\micro\m}, \SI{1}{\mm}, \SI{10}{\mm}}{%
    \draw[black] (2*\i, 10) node[above, minimum height=4ex, inner ysep=1ex, scale=.8, text=black] {$\t$} --++ (0,-10); 
    \draw[gray, very thin, dashed] (2*\i, -.2)
    node[below, minimum height=4ex, inner ysep=1ex, scale=.8, text=black] {$\t$}; 
  %\draw[ultra thick] (-.2, 0) --++ (10.4, 0);
  %\draw[ultra thick] (-.2, -8) --++ (10.4, 0);

    % onderscheid plastics
   \path (0, 10.7) pic {inside-bar={color=orange!80!black, length=4, text={Nanoplastics}, delta=2}};
   \path (4, 10.7) pic {inside-bar={color=orange!80!black, length=8, text={Microplastics}, delta=2}};

  %% De balkjes
  \path (10, 8.5) pic {above-left={color=black!70, length=2, text={Naked-eye}, label={$> \SI{1}{\mm}$}}};
  \path (8, 7) pic {above-left={color=black!70, length=4, text={Optical microscope\\[-5pt] (\$ \num{700}$-$\num{3000})}, label={$> \SI{1}{\mm}$}}};
  \path (0, 5) pic {above-left={color=black!70, length=4.2, text={Py-GCMS$^\ast$ \\[-5pt] (\$ \num{200000}$-$\num{300000})},
    label={$< \SI{1}{\micro\m}$}}};
  \path (6, 5) pic {above-left={color=black!70, length=6, text={FTIR \\[-5pt] (\$ \num{25000})},
    label={$> \SI{10}{\micro\m}-\SI{20}{\micro\m}$}}};
  \path (3.8, 3) pic {above-left={color=black!70, length=8.2, text={Micro-Raman spectroscopy ($ >\$\num{50000}$) \\[-5pt] (Black or dark colored particles cannot be identified)}, label={$>\SI{1}{\micro\m}$}}};

  \path (4.6, 1) pic {above-left={color=black!70, length=7.4, text={Nile red staining + fluorescence micorsocopy\\[-5pt] ($ >\$\num{2000}-\num{50000}$)  }, label={$>\SI{3}{\micro\m}$}}};

