mdframed 中的脚注:为什么它们不在页面底部?

mdframed 中的脚注:为什么它们不在页面底部?


我尝试使用该tablefootnote包,但收效甚微。我写下了\footnotemark{}我想要的脚注位置,然后将其放在footnotetext[1]{Text I want}mdframed 环境之外。但这似乎是一个非常糟糕的主意,因为如果我在文档中较早的地方添加脚注,我需要手动调整脚注编号。(例如:如果我添加的脚注早于此,我需要返回并更改为footnotetext[1]{Text I want}footnotetext[2]{Text I want}




\usepackage{tablefootnote} %allows footnotes in tables to appear outside the table
%%table packages

If I have footnote in the text\footnote{The first footnote} it gets put at the bottom of the page. But if my footnote is inside the \fbox{mdframed} environment, then the footnotes don't appear.

\begin{tabular}{p{35mm}  p{25mm} <\raggedright }
\underline{Column 1} & \underline{Column 2} \\
Text & more text \\
Text with footnote\footnote{I want this footnote to be at the bottom, and in Arabic numbering!} & ?? \\

This should be footnote number three\footnote{The third footnote}, but it is footnote number two.




\usepackage{tablefootnote} %allows footnotes in tables to appear outside the table
%%table packages

If I have footnote in the text\footnote{The first footnote} it gets put at the bottom of the page. But if my footnote is inside the \fbox{mdframed} environment, then the footnotes don't appear.

\begin{tabular}{p{35mm}  p{25mm} <\raggedright }
\underline{Column 1} & \underline{Column 2} \\
Text & more text \\
Text with footnote\footnotemark{} & ?? \\
\end{mdframed}\footnotetext{I want this footnote to be at the bottom, and in Arabic numbering!}

This should be footnote number three\footnote{The third footnote}, but it is footnote number two.



\usepackage{tablefootnote} %allows footnotes in tables to appear outside the table
%%table packages
     \@ifnextchar [\@xfootnotenext

If I have footnote in the text\footnote{The first footnote} it gets put at the bottom of the page. But if my footnote is inside the \fbox{mdframed} environment, then the footnotes don't appear.

\begin{tabular}{p{35mm}  p{25mm} <\raggedright }
\underline{Column 1} & \underline{Column 2} \\
Text & more text \\
Text with footnote\myfootnotemark & some text \\
Text with footnote\myfootnotemark & some text \\

This should be footnote number three\footnote{The third footnote}, but it is footnote number two.




好的,我想我找到了一种方法来做到这一点。它基于@Bernard 的回答邮政。它适用于framed,但如果我尝试仅包含代码,就会发生奇怪的事情\usepackage{mdframed}!如果我将其包含在序言中(不更改任何其他内容),当编译器到达表中的第一个脚注时,我会收到错误。奇怪!




If I have a footnote in the text\footnote{The first footnote} it gets put at the bottom of the page. But if my footnote is inside the \fbox{framed} environment, then the footnotes don't appear.

\begin{tabular}{p{35mm}  p{25mm} <\raggedright }
\underline{Column 1} & \underline{Column 2} \\
Text & more text \\
Text with footnote two\footnote{footnote 2} & ?? \\
Text with footnote three\footnote{footnote 3} & more text\\

Now to test with footnotes outside of the `framed` environment: footnote number four\footnote{footnote 4}.

