





\date{May 2022}



\rm{SARS COVID-19 is the most devastating pandemic that this millennium has seen. With close to 6 million deaths and 500 million infections globally, the whole world has felt the impact of this virus. From healthcare to education every aspect of life has changed. Without intervention, this virus will continue to claim lives. However, the gaps in knowledge surrounding the current behaviour and future behaviour of SARS COVID-19 make intervention by governments impossible. The aim of this study is to bridge this gap with the help of a modified SIR model and investigate the usefulness of mathematical models in Biology and the field of biomathematics.\\ \par

The modifications made to the SIR model include adjusting the categories (SEIRDV) by including Exposed, Dead and Vaccinated individuals. As well as adding the concept of vital dynamics which takes into consideration natural deaths and births of a particular country, this allows for individuals to move across the categories in a more accurate manner. Our results show.....}


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