我想将一个大表格横跨两页。当我使用 longtable 环境时,我无法控制单元格和字体大小。当我在 longtable 启动之前更改字体大小时,字体会发生变化,但单元格保持不变。有人能帮我将下面的表格横跨两页吗?
\caption{\\ Example of a Very Long Table}
\hline \hline
& & & & \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) \\
& & & & \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
& & & & \\ \hline \hline
\textit{Notes:} \lipsum[2-4]
正如@TrevorAndrew 在评论中指出的那样,您需要从table
/ tabularx
setup 切换到longtable
,以便允许 TeX 自由提供任何所需的分页符,而不受设置的限制longtable
\begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l *{4}{d{2.3}} @{}}
\caption{Example of a Very Long Table} \label{tab:long_tale} \\
& \mc{(1)} & \mc{(2)} & \mc{(3)} & \mc{(4)} \\
\multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{(Table \thetable, cont'd)} \\
& \mc{(1)} & \mc{(2)} & \mc{(3)} & \mc{(4)} \\
\multicolumn{5}{r@{}}{\raggedleft\footnotesize\em Cont'd on following page} \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\* % prevent page break
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
Example Variable & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 & 0.49 \\
& (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) & (0.50) \\
\textit{Notes for Table \thetable}: \lipsum[2-3]\par