\multirow{9}{*}{PMSG} &
Rated Power & \qty{2}{\mega\watt} \\
& Rated rotate speed & \qty{650}{rpm} \\
& Rated Voltage & \qty{690}{\voltac} \\
& Rated current & \qty{1673.5}{\ampere} \\
& Number of pole pairs & 4 \\
& Resistance ($R_s$) & \qty{0.0024}{\ohm} \\
& Inductances ($L_d=L_q$) & \qty{0.3552}{\milli\henry} (line-phase) \\
& Magnetic flux ($\Psi_m$) & \qty{0.666}{\weber} \\
& Inertia (J) & \qty{2}{\kilogrammetre^2} \\
\multirow{3}{*}{Grid side Filter} &
Inductance & \qty{1.6}{\milli\henry} \\
& Resistance & \qty{0.01}{\ohm} \\
& Rated charge/discharge currents & \qty{1500}{\ampere} \\
\newcommand{\partheader}[1]{\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\itshape #1}}
\partheader{PMSG} \\
Rated Power & \qty{2}{\mega\watt} \\
Rated rotate speed & \qty{650}{rpm} \\
Rated Voltage & \qty{690}{\voltac} \\
Rated current & \qty{1673.5}{\ampere} \\
Number of pole pairs & 4 \\
Resistance & \qty{0.0024}{\ohm} & $R_s$ \\
Inductances & \qty{0.3552}{\milli\henry} & $L_d=L_q$, line-phase \\
Magnetic flux & \qty{0.666}{\weber} & $\Psi_m$ \\
Inertia & \qty{2}{\kilogram\square\metre} & J \\
\partheader{Grid side Filter} \\
Inductance & \qty{1.6}{\milli\henry} \\
Resistance & \qty{0.01}{\ohm} \\
Rated currents & \qty{1500}{\ampere} & charge/discharge \\
\partheader{Grid} \\
Voltage & \qty{690}{\voltrms} \\
Frequency & \qty{50}{\hertz} \\
\partheader{Generator Side Filter} \\
Inductance & \qty{1}{\milli\henry} \\
Resistance & \qty{0.01}{\ohm} \\
\partheader{DC-link} \\
Total power & \qty{265}{\kilo\watt} \\
DC-link voltage & \qty{1200}{\volt} & $V_{\mathrm{dc}}$ \\
DC-link current & \qty{1000}{\ampere} & $I_{\mathrm{dc\_max}}$ \\
\partheader{Supercapacitor} \\
Capacitance & \qty{15.8}{\farad} & \qty{83}{\farad}, 21 in series, 4 parallel loop \\
Resistance & \qty{52.5}{\milli\ohm} & $R_{\mathrm{sc}}$ \\
Voltage Initial & \qty{650}{\volt} & $V_{\mathrm{initial}}$, $C_{\mathrm{sc\_nominal}}$ \qty{48}{\volt} each \\
\partheader{Reference Values} \\
Active Power & \qty{265}{\kilo\watt} \\
Reactive Power & 0 \\
\partheader{Other} \\
Sample Time Rec. & \qty{1e-4}{\second} \\
Sample Time Inv. & \qty{1e-4}{\second} \\
Sample Time bidirectional & \qty{7e-5}{\second} \\
Simulator Run Time & \qty{20}{\second} \\