从 mdpi 文章中删除页码

从 mdpi 文章中删除页码

我尝试使用命令 \includepdf 和 pagecommand = {} 将我的一篇 mdpi 发表的文章插入到我的博士论文中。但是,这样文档编号和文章编号都会被包含。由于我想删除文章页码,我使用了命令“\pagenumbering{gobble}”。但是,由于文章的页码格式为“page-of-total pages”(例如 1/15、2/15 等),这样我就只剩下“of”了。


编辑:我正在提供序言,其中应该包含页面信息,可能隐藏在 mdpi 类文件中。

% article
% The default type of manuscript is "article", but can be replaced by: 
% abstract, addendum, article, book, bookreview, briefreport, casereport, comment, commentary, communication, conferenceproceedings, correction, conferencereport, entry, expressionofconcern, extendedabstract, datadescriptor, editorial, essay, erratum, hypothesis, interestingimage, obituary, opinion, projectreport, reply, retraction, review, perspective, protocol, shortnote, studyprotocol, systematicreview, supfile, technicalnote, viewpoint, guidelines, registeredreport, tutorial
% supfile = supplementary materials

% submit
% The class option "submit" will be changed to "accept" by the Editorial Office when the paper is accepted. This will only make changes to the frontpage (e.g., the logo of the journal will get visible), the headings, and the copyright information. Also, line numbering will be removed. Journal info and pagination for accepted papers will also be assigned by the Editorial Office.

% moreauthors
% If there is only one author the class option oneauthor should be used. Otherwise use the class option moreauthors.

% pdftex
% The option pdftex is for use with pdfLaTeX. If eps figures are used, remove the option pdftex and use LaTeX and dvi2pdf.

% MDPI internal commands
%\externaleditor{Academic Editor: Firstname Lastname}
%\datecorrected{} % Corrected papers include a "Corrected: XXX" date in the original paper.
%\dateretracted{} % Corrected papers include a "Retracted: XXX" date in the original paper.
\hreflink{https://doi.org/} % If needed use \linebreak
% The following line should be uncommented if the LaTeX file is uploaded to arXiv.org


% Add packages and commands here. The following packages are loaded in our class file: fontenc, inputenc, calc, indentfirst, fancyhdr, graphicx, epstopdf, lastpage, ifthen, lineno, float, amsmath, setspace, enumitem, mathpazo, booktabs, titlesec, etoolbox, tabto, xcolor, soul, multirow, microtype, tikz, totcount, changepage, attrib, upgreek, cleveref, amsthm, hyphenat, natbib, hyperref, footmisc, url, geometry, newfloat, caption   

%\usepackage{graphics} % for pdf, bitmapped graphics files
%\usepackage{epsfig} % for postscript graphics files
%\usepackage{mathptmx} % assumes new font selection scheme installed
%\usepackage{times} % assumes new font selection scheme installed
%\usepackage[english]{babel} % for proper hyphenation patterns
%\usepackage [super]{nth}

%% Please use the following mathematics environments: Theorem, Lemma, Corollary, Proposition, Characterization, Property, Problem, Example, ExamplesandDefinitions, Hypothesis, Remark, Definition, Notation, Assumption
%% For proofs, please use the proof environment (the amsthm package is loaded by the MDPI class).

% Full title of the paper (Capitalized)



非常感谢大家!我已经能够通过修改 mdpi.cls 文件来解决这个问题,默认情况下,文章样式附带页码样式,如“1/15”等...
