

如何才能使它与下表中的字一样大(使其变小)? 在此处输入图片描述






  \caption{A figure}

  \captionof{table}{A table}

          &\multicolumn{3}{c}{NUMBER} \\
            NO  & \textbf{1} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{3}                 \\\midrule
            H & K\textsubscript{NI} & K\textsubscript{NOT} & NDG   \\\midrule
            K &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & K\textsubscript{NI} & NDG   \\\midrule
            C & NDG & K\textsubscript{NI} &  K\textsubscript{NOT}      \\\midrule
            D & NDG &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & K\textsubscript{NI}       \\\midrule
            L &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & NDG & K\textsubscript{NI}       \\\midrule
            M & K\textsubscript{NI}  &  NDG &  K\textsubscript{NOT}        \\\bottomrule


  \caption{ANOTHER TABLE}
  \begin{tabular}{ c c c }
    A & B& C\\ \midrule
    1000 &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & NDG         \\ \bottomrule



由于文档类设计者最清楚的原因IEEEtran,环境的内容table会自动呈现为\footnotesize——字体大小线性减少 20%——而环境的内容figure不会经过这种处理。





\hrule % just to illustrate width of column
\captionof{table}{A table in a figure environment}
&\multicolumn{3}{c}{NUMBER} \\
NO  & \textbf{1} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{3}            \\ \midrule
H & K\textsubscript{NI} & K\textsubscript{NOT} & NDG  \\ \midrule
K &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & K\textsubscript{NI} & NDG \\ \midrule
M & K\textsubscript{NI}  &  NDG &  K\textsubscript{NOT} \\ \bottomrule

% same 'tabular' environment, but not embedded in a 'table' env.
\caption{A table in a table environment}
&\multicolumn{3}{c}{NUMBER} \\
NO  & \textbf{1} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{3}            \\ \midrule
H & K\textsubscript{NI} & K\textsubscript{NOT} & NDG  \\ \midrule
K &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & K\textsubscript{NI} & NDG \\ \midrule
M & K\textsubscript{NI}  &  NDG &  K\textsubscript{NOT} \\ \bottomrule
\hrule % just to illustrate width of column


这是我对 IEEE 可能接受的内容的想法。首先,我将图像做得尽可能大(减去间隙\tabcolsep)。我将表格标题单独放在表格上方。我将图形和表格并排放置。然后我将图形标题单独放在图像下方。






% first measure the width of the tabular
          &\multicolumn{3}{c}{NUMBER} \\
            NO  & \textbf{1} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{3}                 \\\midrule
            H & K\textsubscript{NI} & K\textsubscript{NOT} & NDG   \\\midrule
            K &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & K\textsubscript{NI} & NDG   \\\midrule
            C & NDG & K\textsubscript{NI} &  K\textsubscript{NOT}      \\\midrule
            D & NDG &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & K\textsubscript{NI}       \\\midrule
            L &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & NDG & K\textsubscript{NI}       \\\midrule
            M & K\textsubscript{NI}  &  NDG &  K\textsubscript{NOT}        \\\bottomrule
% place image and table with caption side-by-side
\includegraphics[width={\dimexpr \columnwidth-\wd0-\tabcolsep}]{example-image}\hfill
  \caption{A table}
% place figure caption alone on the bottom
\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr \columnwidth-\wd0-\tabcolsep}
  \captionof{figure}{A figure}

% first measure the height of the tabular
          &\multicolumn{3}{c}{NUMBER} \\
            NO  & \textbf{1} & \textbf{2} & \textbf{3}                 \\\midrule
            H & K\textsubscript{NI} & K\textsubscript{NOT} & NDG   \\\midrule
            K &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & K\textsubscript{NI} & NDG   \\\midrule
            C & NDG & K\textsubscript{NI} &  K\textsubscript{NOT}      \\\midrule
            D & NDG &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & K\textsubscript{NI}       \\\midrule
            L &  K\textsubscript{NOT} & NDG & K\textsubscript{NI}       \\\midrule
            M & K\textsubscript{NI}  &  NDG &  K\textsubscript{NOT}        \\\bottomrule
% place table caption alone on top
  \caption{A table}
  \hrule height0pt% to keep \belowcaptionskip from being eaten
% place image (with caption) and tabular side-by-side
  \raisebox{-\height}{\includegraphics[height={\dimexpr \ht0+\dp0}]{example-image-10x16}}
  \captionof{figure}{A figure}

