LyX + BibLaTeX 处理非 ASCII UTF-8

LyX + BibLaTeX 处理非 ASCII UTF-8

抱歉再次提出这个问题,但我之前已经回答过几个类似的问题,但都没有成功。我在本文档中使用 LyX 版本

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    title = {{LHC} Design Report Volume 1 The {LHC} Main Ring},
    url = {},
    abstract = {The {LHC} Design Report is presented in three volumes: the first concerns the main ring, the second the infrastructure and general services and the third, the injector chain. The conceptual design was published in 1995 and this report provides a snapshot of the detailed design as it stands at the time of writing - early 2004.},
    author = {Brüning, Oliver Sim and Collier, Paul and Lebrun and Myers, Stephen and Ostojic, Ranko and Poole, John and Proudlock, Paul},
    urldate = {2022-06-13},
    date = {2004},
    langid = {english},
    doi = {10.5170/CERN-2004-003-V-1},
    note = {{ISBN}: 9789290832249
Number: {CERN}-2004-003-V-1
Publisher: {CERN}},
    file = {Snapshot:/home/alf/Zotero/storage/WVBXWPF3/782076.html:text/html}



我不想尝试用一些奇怪的转义序列替换每个非 ASCII 字符的解决方案,所以我从 BibTex 转到了 BibLaTeX,我读到它可以处理这个问题。但是,它仍然失败了。是否可以告诉 LyX/LaTeX/whoever 适当地处理参考书目中的非 ASCII 字符?

如果有帮助的话,如果我从 LyX 导出 LaTeX 代码,它会生成这个





BibLaTeX可以使用重音字符,但您的输入必须始终采用 Unicode (utf-8)。无论如何,这已经成为现代 TeX 引擎的默认设置。您当前使用的是 ISO Latin-8859-15:


删除该行(使用默认的 utf-8)。
