多次引用的 bibitem

多次引用的 bibitem

在 Overleaf 上,我使用这种类型的个人简介:

Belinskii, A, & Klyshko, D. Two-photon optics: diffraction, holography, and transformation of two-dimensional signals. Sov. Phys. JETP 78, 259 (1994).
Pittman, T. B., Shih, Y. H., Strekalov, D. V. & Sergienko, A. V. Optical imaging by means of two-photon quantum entanglement. Phys. Rev. A 52, R34232 (1995).
Gatti, A., Brambilla, E., Bache, M. & Lugiato, L. A. Ghost Imaging with Thermal Light: Comparing Entanglement and Classical Correlation. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93,
093602 (2004).


当我引用时,\cite{GI, Pittman, Thermal} 我想要的是 [1-3],但我得到的是 [1,2,3]。我该如何更改它?
