我用 Ti 创建了一个图表钾Z. 问题是箭头的长度不一致,所以整个图形不对称。有办法纠正吗?
\newcommand{\mathcolorbox}\[2\]{\colorbox{#1}{$\displaystyle #2$}}
\usepackage{attrib} %use for quotes
\usepackage{lmodern,textcomp} %use for euro sign.
\usepackage{siunitx} %align columns in reg table
\usepackage{mathtools}%Euro sig
node distance = 2mm and 6mm,
base/.style = {draw=blue, semithick, minimum width=3.3em, minimum height=3ex,
inner ysep=2mm, outer sep=1pt,
execute at end node=\vphantom{g}
box/.style = {base, rounded corners},
io/.style = {base, inner xsep=-2pt,
signal, signal to=west and east,
draw, semithick, minimum width=3em},
every edge/.style = {draw, -{Straight Barb\[scale=0.8\]}},
every edge quotes/.style = {auto,font=\footnotesize\linespread{0.84}\selectfont,
inner sep=2pt, align=center}
%% nodes
\node (n1) \[box\] {Politische Stimmung};
\node (n2) \[box, below left=30mm of n1\] {Ökonomische Lage};
\node (n3) \[box, below=50mm of n1\] {Wählerinnen};
\node (n4) \[box,below right=30mm of n1\] {Umfragewerte};
%% arrows
\path (n1.south) edge \[sloped,anchor=center,"polit. Instrumente"
\] (n2.north)
(n2.south) edge \[sloped,anchor=center,"Indikatoren"
\] (n3.north)
(n3.north) edge \["Indiv. Wahlneigung",
sloped,anchor=center\] (n4.south)
(n4.north) edge \["Reaktion der Parteien",
\] (n1.south)
- 肯定显示的图像不是由提供的代码生成的!
- 所提供的代码非常混乱,几乎每一行代码都有错误。
- 此外,从某处复制的图像代码(对我来说相当熟悉)也被破坏了。
- 对于您的问题,MWE(考虑@SebGlav 评论)可以是:
patterns, positioning,
shadows.blur, shapes}
node distance = 17mm and 13mm, % <--- changed
base/.style = {draw=blue, semithick, minimum width=3.3em, minimum height=3ex,
inner ysep=2mm, outer sep=1pt,
text width=9em, align=center, % <--- new
execute at end node=\vphantom{g}
box/.style = {base, rounded corners},
io/.style = {base, inner xsep=-2pt,
signal, signal to=west and east,
draw, semithick, minimum width=3em},
every edge/.style = {draw, -{Straight Barb[scale=0.8]}},
every edge quotes/.style = {auto,font=\footnotesize\linespread{0.84}\selectfont,
inner sep=2pt, align=center, sloped}
%% nodes
\node (n1) [box] {Politische Stimmung};
\node (n2) [box, below left=of n1] {Ökonomische Lage};
\node (n3) [box, below right=of n2] {Wählerinnen};
\node (n4) [box, below right=of n1] {Umfragewerte};
%% arrows
\path (n1.260) edge ["polit. Instrumente"] (n2.north)
(n2.south) edge ["Indikatoren"] (n3.100)
(n3.80) edge ["Indiv. Wahlneigung"] (n4.south)
(n4.north) edge ["Reaktion der Parteien"] (n1.280);