



% Custom sectioning with secsty for diffrent sections like praktische erfahrungen oder prasix etc... 
    \LARGE % make sections smaller
    \sectionrule{0pt}{0pt}{-5pt}{1pt} % insert a thin rule
%% MACROS %%
% size of the boxes used to align text

% vertical space separator between entries

% name macro:
\Huge % font size
% print name centered and bold
\begin{center} \textbf{#1} \end{center}\par

% header macro:
  \large % font size
% print header centered and slanted
  \begin{center} \textsl{#1}\end{center}\par

  % skill macro
% set specific indentation for personal information
% create a box to align two pieces of text
\parbox{3\spacebox}{% three times larger box
\textsc{#1}} % small caps entry name
#2 \par} % entry value
% language level
    % set specific indentation for personal information
    % create a box to align two pieces of text
        \textbf{#1}} % bold font entry name
     #2 \par}    % entry value

% work experience macro:
% name of the work
  \noindent  \textbf{#1}
% at the right the duration
\framebox{% duration inside a frame box
  \centering\textbf{#2}}} \par
% new paragraph with the school in italics
  \noindent \textit{#3} \par
% description with no hanging and in smaller text
  \noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \small #4 
%back to normal size
\normalsize \par}

\name{Harjot Singh Maan}
\header{Duales Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik}
\header{12334444322 & \href{mailto: [email protected]}{[email protected]}}
\header{Muster-Straße 2, 121223 Musterhausen}


\noindent {2014 - \\Heute&&& {\bf Musterschule}, {MSS12}\\[5pt]}
\item Leistungskurse: XXX
\item Bestrebt das Abitur in 2023
\item Aktueller Notenschnitt: XXX
\item Bestrebt das MINT-EC-Zertifikat 

%Ausserschulische Aktivitäten
\section*{Außerschulische Aktivitäten}
\noindent{2023 &&& {\bf Facharbeit}}


\noindent {2014 - \\Heute&&& {\bf Musterschule}, {MSS12}\\[5pt]}
