我是 LaTeX 的新手,对于大会提供的这个论文模板有两个疑问:纸质模板 - Overleaf。
1 疑问(未解决):他们说标题的第一个字母必须是 12pt,另一个字母必须是 8pt。当我生成 PDF 文件并使用 PDF 阅读器打开它时,第一个字母的大小没问题,但其他字母的大小大约是 9、9.5 或 10pt。我该如何解决这个问题?
下图显示了我想要的(蓝色,首字母 12pt,其他字母 8pt)以及编译后得到的结果(黑色,首字母 12pt,其他字母 10pt)。
.cls 文件包含以下代码\section
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
{-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
{\center \large \textsc}}
2 疑问(已解决):我尝试过(但没有成功)将两个隶属关系添加到同一作者。为了解决这个问题,我根据此代码将以下代码添加到 .cls 文件中邮政。
\expandafter\def\csname ifmbe@author\alph{ifmbe@authors}\endcsname
{#2$^{\expandafter\the\csname ifmbe@affiliationcounter#3\endcsname
\title{Paper Title - XXX YYY Congress - 2022}
\affiliation{Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Somewhere, City, Country}{FIRSTAFF}
\affiliation{Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Somewhere, City, Country}{SECONDAFF}
\author{First Author}{FIRSTAFF}
% changed from \author{Second Author}{SECONDAFF} to:
\author[2]{Second Author}{FIRSTAFF}
This paper presents instructions for preparing papers. The template is intended to guide the authors in preparing the electronic version of their paper. Only papers prepared according to these instructions will be published in both, the paper and online version. In this abstract section you should provide an abstract of your paper, not longer than 300 words.