创建 Beamer 选项以在下一页上增加演示

创建 Beamer 选项以在下一页上增加演示

昨天我观看了 Beamer 的一场演讲,每张新幻灯片都会从页面顶部滑出内容,并在底部添加新内容。我花了一段时间才习惯,但习惯之后我发现它非常有用。我的演讲并非全都适合这种格式,但有些可以,我想知道一种有效的方法。我问了演讲者,他对所有内容进行了硬编码(即,他剪切并粘贴内容)。我试图提出一个不那么痛苦的解决方案。


\beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty %removes from controls from bottom right


\only<+-+(2)>{\frametitle{Frame Title 1}
These are the hypotheses of this amazingly important theorem, which we can call Theorem 1. Following these hypotheses, comes the amazing conclusion. Aren't you impressed?
These are the hypotheses of this amazingly important theorem, which we can call Theorem 2. Following these hypotheses, comes the amazing conclusion. Aren't you impressed?
These are the hypotheses of this amazingly important theorem, which we can call Theorem 3. Following these hypotheses, comes the amazing conclusion. Aren't you impressed?
\only<+->{\frametitle{Frame Title 2}
These are the hypotheses of this amazingly important theorem, which we can call Theorem 4. Following these hypotheses, comes the amazing conclusion. Aren't you impressed?
These are the hypotheses of this amazingly important theorem, which we can call Theorem 5. Following these hypotheses, comes the amazing conclusion. Aren't you impressed?

\only<+->{\frametitle{Frame Title 3}
\alert<6>{Here comes an itemized list:}

\item This is the first bullet point 
\item That's the second one
\item The third bullet point
\item The final bullet point



这将返回输出 增量呈现

积极的一面是我不需要重复任何文本,而且我已经想出了如何在frametitle适当的时候更改。缺点是我必须非常小心地使用\only每个块的命令,而添加新内容通常需要重新编号。我想要将每个文本块(即我希望在幻灯片上接下来显示的内容)放入它自己的环境中,然后让 tex 计算块的大小并自动在屏幕上放置尽可能多的内容(类似于allowframebreaks但更细致入微),以及一种frametitle在适当的地方更改的便捷方式。我并不是特别关心它如何与sectionsubsection命令交互,因为我通常不会在幻灯片中使用它们,但如果它也与这些兼容,则会获得加分。

