- ... 自动在双面书籍的左侧单独对段落进行编号,并为每个新环境重置计数器。数字应向右对齐。最好将数字作为文本的一部分,而不是在页边空白处。
- ...将文本分为两列。
- ... 段落的第一行没有缩进,并且后续行悬垂。
我目前得到的结果:自动编号的段落(尽管它不完全在左侧,但数字不会向右对齐,并且数字在页边距中)。借用 TH 的回复:自动为每个段落分配一个编号
% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///lualatex/[-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode]
\section*{Section Headline}
\subsection*{Subsection Headline}
Some info
\subsubsection*{Subsubsection Headline 1}
AA: This is a short paragaph.
BB: This is a rather long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
AA: Again another rather long long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
BB: And here we stop this conversation.
\subsubsection*{Subsubsection Headline 2}
AA: This is a short paragaph.
BB: This is a rather long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
AA: Again another rather long long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
BB: And here we stop this conversation.
\subsubsection*{Subsubsection Headline 3}
AA: This is a short paragaph.
BB: This is a rather long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
AA: Again another rather long long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
BB: And here we stop this conversation.
\subsubsection*{Subsubsection Headline 4}
AA: This is a short paragaph.
BB: This is a rather long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
AA: Again another rather long long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
BB: And here we stop this conversation.
\subsubsection*{Subsubsection Headline 5}
AA: This is a short paragaph.
BB: This is a rather long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
AA: Again another rather long long paragraph spanning more than one line if we extend this really really long.
BB: And here we stop this conversation.
编辑:因为这很难解释,所以这里是我尝试做的一个用 LibreOffice Writer 创建的屏幕截图(尽管它仍然缺少被刷新的数字):
编辑3:Celdor,您的 EDIT3 几乎做到了这一点。它仍然缺少一个真正的悬挂缩进。让我解释一下。如果我使用短首字母(如“II”)和长首字母(如“WvW”),间距就不再那么好了。要么“II”周围的空白太多,要么“WvW”周围的空白太少,因为首字母标签的大小是固定的。还可以看出首字母居中:
为并增加首字母后的空间(将 中的 1em 更改为 2em )。现在段落编号右对齐,首字母左对齐,并且有足够的空间容纳“II”和“WvW”:l
\NewDocumentCommand{\numpar}{s O{0.5cm} O{2em} O{#2} O{#3} m}{%
现在对齐已经很好了,段落编号和首字母之间也留有空格。完美。- 但首字母和文本仍然不连贯。我要找的是:
如果我的描述正确的话,我建议混合使用 hangindent、hspace 和 makebox
添加了一个由 执行的单列选项*
\NewDocumentCommand{\mypar}{s O{0pt} O{1cm} O{6pt} O{#3} O{#4} m m}{%
% #1 - * for a single column
% #2 - indentation before a number
% #3 - width of a box containing a paragraph number
% #4 - separation length after the number
% #5 - width of a box containing a label
% #6 - separation length after the label
% #7 - label
% #8 - the paragraph
\setlength{\hanglength}{\dimexpr(#2 + #3 + #4 + #5 + #6)}
\arabic{parcounter} &
#7 &
\section*{Section Headline}
\subsection*{Subsection Headline}
Some info
\subsection*{Subsection Headline}
\NewDocumentCommand{\numpar}{s O{0.5cm} O{1em} O{#2} O{#3} m}{%
% #1 - star - suppresses annotations
% #2 - width of a box containing a paragraph number
% #3 - separation length after the number
% #4 - width of a box containing a label
% #5 - separation length after the label
% #6 - label
% \dimen0 contains width of a numbers and labels
\setlength{\dimen0}{\dimexpr(#2 + #3 + #4 + #5)}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{numberedpars}{O{0.25pt} +b}{%
\section*{Section Headline}
\subsection*{Subsection Headline}
Some info
\numpar{AA} \kant*[1][1-2]
\numpar{BB} \kant*[2][1-2]
\numpar{AA} \kant*[3][1-2]
\numpar{BB} \kant*[4][1-2]
\numpar{AA} \kant*[5][1-2]
\numpar{BB} \kant*[6][1-2]
\numpar{AA} \kant*[7][1-2]
\numpar{BB} \kant*[8][1-2]
\numpar*{AA} \kant*[9][1-2]
\numpar*{BB} \kant*[10][1-2]
\numpar{BB} \kant*[3][1-3]
\section*{Another Section Headline}
\subsection*{Another Subsection Headline}
Even more info
\numpar{DD} \kant*[2][1-3]
\numpar{CC} \kant*[3][1-3]
\numpar{DD} \kant*[4][1-3]
\numpar{CC} \kant*[5][1-2]
\numpar{DD} \kant*[6][1-2]
\NewDocumentCommand{\numpar}{s O{0.5cm} O{6pt} O{1cm} m}{%
% #2 - width of a box containing a paragraph number
% #3 - space between the number and initials
% #4 - space of a hanging indentation
% #5 - initials
\NewDocumentEnvironment{numberedpars}{s O{0.4pt} O{14pt} +b}{%
% #1 - * - if present, keep counting paragraphs without cancelling
% #2 - column rule width
% #3 - space between columns
% \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
\section*{Section Headline}
\subsection*{Subsection Headline}
Some info
\numpar{II} \kant*[4][1-2]
\numpar{WwW} \kant*[5][1]
\numpar{D} \kant*[6][1]
\numpar{EEE} \kant*[7][1-2]
\numpar{II} \kant*[4][1-2]
\numpar{WwW} \kant*[5][1]
\numpar{D} \kant*[6][1]
\numpar{EEE} \kant*[7][1-2]
\section*{Section Headline}
\subsection*{Subsection Headline}
Some other info
\numpar{XYZABCD} \kant*[10][1-2]
\numpar{II} \kant*[11][1-2]
\numpar{WvW} \kant*[12][1-2]
\numpar{D} \kant*[13][1-2]