我一直在努力使用 \nomencl 包来制定命名法,该包在最右边有单位,但也有对方程式或页面的引用。
以下是自动插入方程式引用的 MWE:
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside, openany, final, pdftex]{book}
% Options for Acronyms and Nomenclature
% adapted from here:https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/166556/how-to-make-a-clean-and-grouped-nomenclature-list
\item[\textbf{Acronyms and Abbreviations}]}{% A - Acronyms
\item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}]}{% R - Roman
\item[\textbf{Calligraphy symbols}]}{% C - Calligraphy
\item[\textbf{Greek symbols}]}{% G - Greek
\item[\textbf{Superscripts}]}{% S - Superscripts
\item[\textbf{Subscripts}]}{% U - Subscripts
\item[\textbf{Other Symbols}]}{% X - Other Symbols
% Something I have stumbled upon that uses "Section" numbers but I don't know how to implement
% \begingroup\edef\x{\endgroup
% \unexpanded{\nomenclature{#2}}%
% {\unexpanded{#3} (\csname the#1\endcsname)}}\x}
% To change from ", see equation 1" to only ", see (1)"
\renewcommand{\eqdeclaration}[1]{, see (#1)}
% for left aligning the units, comment few upper lines if used
% \renewcommand{\nomentryend}{\hspace*{\fill}\makebox[1cm][l]{#1}}%
% }
% To change the title (from "Nomenclature" to "Acronyms and Nomenclature")
\renewcommand{\nomname}{Acronyms and Nomenclature}
% As suggested by Barbara
\section*{Main equations}
We often use some very neat abbreviations (VNAs) in our text.%
\nomenclature[a]{VNA(s)}{Very Neat Abbreviation(s)}
But then again we want to make a nomenclature in our document as well.
Consider the following equation.
\sigma =\frac{N}{A}.
\nomenclature[g]{$\sigma$}{normal stress\nomunit{\si{\pascal}}}
\nomenclature[r]{$N$}{axial force\nomunit{\si{\newton}}}
\nomenclature[r]{$A$}{\parbox[t]{.75\textwidth}{area (to explain this simple concept one needs to understand the complicated mathematics behind the integrals... this would take so much space and text to do...)}\nomunit{\si{\meter\squared}}}
Consider also this next equation
F_{R}=m a
\printnomenclature[1.8cm] % this makes wider column for acronyms/abbreviations to fit better
- 对我来说,按照想象中的方式实现它才是最有意义的:在描述末尾加上“,参见(1)”。请参见图片中的红色文字。
- 另一个可能看起来不错的建议是在描述的开头。请参见绿色文本。
- 或者在单位旁边。之前(或者之后?)。请参见图片中的蓝色文本。