我已将此表格添加到我的文档中,并且某些单元格中的数据浮动在任何地方,例如第 9 行“优势”和第 14 行“劣势”。
\caption{\it{SWOT Analysis}}
\label{tab:data_table}\\ \hline
\textbf{Ref} & \textbf{Strengths} & \textbf{Weaknesses} \\
{\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continues...}} \\
\textbf{Ref} & \textbf{Strengths} & \textbf{Weaknesses} \\
1 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Classification of Urdu sentences \\on Document-level, \\Lexicon bases sentiment analysis\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}No method to tackle implicit negation \\Noun phrases need to be considered\end{tabular} \\
3 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Utilized Long Short-term memory\\ (LSTM) for polarity detection in \\Roman Urdu\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}No validation of data collection process,\\ no data preprocessing method declared\\ Methods are not transparent \\~\end{tabular} \\
5 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}806 Roman Urdu sentences collection, \\features Construction and application\\ on different multilingual classifiers\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Limited dataset \\No structure of the dataset\end{tabular} \\
6 & Lexicon and Rule-based
methods used to construct a RU classification algorithm, ML and phonetic
techniques used & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Limited categorization of the dataset \\No normalizing of the dataset\end{tabular} \\
7 & 15,000 roman Urdu
sentences collected & The dataset
contained biographies and not general \\
8 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}22,000 sentences of RU were collected, \\Supervised \& unsupervised methods used\end{tabular} & Ambiguous
combination of classifiers \\
9 & 1200 text documents
of Urdu news were collected, performed a linguistic analysis & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}No character-level features used \\Needs evaluation on state-of-the-art\\ semantic techniques\end{tabular} \\
11 & Existing
values collated to different techniques & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}No dataset mentioned \\No classification methods mentioned\end{tabular} \\
12 & A massive
dataset of 5 lac sentiments, Use of lexical classifying techniques & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Confusing representation of the dataset \\Lack of credible results\end{tabular} \\
14 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}1000 reviews collected and Various \\frameworks compared\\ i.e., Hadoop Mapreduce\end{tabular} & Limited
dataset Classifiers were not general and were overfitting on the given
dataset \\
您还可以添加一些额外的空间。作为第一个调整,我会重新定义 \arraystretch
不再需要 s。此外,\setstretch{<factor>}
\usepackage{longtable} % Allows selecting all possible font size
\caption{\it{SWOT Analysis}}
\label{tab:data_table} \\
\locstrut \textbf{Ref} & \textbf{Strengths} & \textbf{Weaknesses} \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continues...}} \\
\locstrut \textbf{Ref} & \textbf{Strengths} & \textbf{Weaknesses} \\
\hline \endhead
\hline \endlastfoot
1 &
Classification of Urdu sentences\par
on Document-level,\par
Lexicon bases sentiment analysis &
No method to tackle implicit negation\par
Noun phrases need to be considered\\
3 &
Utilized Long Short-term memory\par
(LSTM) for polarity detection in\par
Roman Urdu &
No validation of data collection process,\par
no data preprocessing method declared\par
Methods are not transparent \\
5 &
806 Roman Urdu sentences collection,\par
features Construction and application\par
on different multilingual classifiers &
Limited dataset\par
No structure of the dataset \\
6 &
Lexicon and Rule-based methods used to construct a RU classification algorithm, ML and phonetic techniques used &
Limited categorization of the dataset\par
No normalizing of the dataset \\
7 &
15,000 roman Urdu sentences collected &
The dataset contained biographies and not general \\
8 &
22,000 sentences of RU were collected,\par
Supervised \& unsupervised methods used &
Ambiguous combination of classifiers \\
9 &
1200 text documents of Urdu news were collected, performed a linguistic analysis &
No character-level features used\par
Needs evaluation on state-of-the-art\par
semantic techniques \\
11 &
Existing values collated to different techniques &
No dataset mentioned\par
No classification methods mentioned \\
12 &
A massive dataset of 5 lac sentiments, Use of lexical classifying techniques &
Confusing representation of the dataset\par
Lack of credible results \\
14 &
1000 reviews collected and Various\par
frameworks compared\par
i.e., Hadoop Mapreduce &
Limited dataset Classifiers were not general and were overfitting on the given dataset \\
\usepackage{longtable} % Allows selecting all possible font size
\caption{\it{SWOT Analysis}} \label{tab:data_table}\\
\locstrut \textbf{Ref} & \textbf{Strengths} & \textbf{Weaknesses} \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continues...}} \\
\locstrut \textbf{Ref} & \textbf{Strengths} & \textbf{Weaknesses} \\
\midrule \endfoot
\bottomrule \endlastfoot
1 &
Classification of Urdu sentences\newline
on Document-level,\newline
Lexicon bases sentiment analysis &
No method to tackle implicit negation\newline
Noun phrases need to be considered\\
3 &
Utilized Long Short-term memory\newline
(LSTM) for polarity detection in\newline
Roman Urdu &
No validation of data collection process,\newline
no data preprocessing method declared\newline
Methods are not transparent \\
5 &
806 Roman Urdu sentences collection,\newline
features Construction and application\newline
on different multilingual classifiers &
Limited dataset\newline
No structure of the dataset \\
6 &
Lexicon and Rule-based methods used to construct a RU classification algorithm, ML and phonetic techniques used &
Limited categorization of the dataset\newline
No normalizing of the dataset \\
7 &
15,000 roman Urdu sentences collected &
The dataset contained biographies and not general \\
8 &
22,000 sentences of RU were collected,\newline
Supervised \& unsupervised methods used &
Ambiguous combination of classifiers \\
9 &
1200 text documents of Urdu news were collected, performed a linguistic analysis &
No character-level features used\newline
Needs evaluation on state-of-the-art\newline
semantic techniques \\
11 &
Existing values collated to different techniques &
No dataset mentioned\newline
No classification methods mentioned \\
12 &
A massive dataset of 5 lac sentiments, Use of lexical classifying techniques &
Confusing representation of the dataset\newline
Lack of credible results \\
14 &
1000 reviews collected and Various\newline
frameworks compared\newline
i.e., Hadoop Mapreduce &
Limited dataset Classifiers were not general and were overfitting on the given dataset \\
- 对于您的表格,遗漏了一些重要的信息,因为使用了
页面布局,并且如果您真的需要长表格(从代码片段来看,这并不明显。 - 还不清楚为什么你将表格嵌套在单元格中
- 我猜,下面的表格设计应该接近你想要的:
caption = {SWOT Analysis},
label = {tab:data_table}
]{hlines, vlines,
colspec = {c *{2}{X[j]}},
colsep = 3pt,
row{1} = {font=\small\bfseries},
rowhead = 1
Ref.& Strengths
& Weaknesses \\
1 & Classification of Urdu sentences on Document- level,
Lexicon bases sentiment analysis
& No method to tackle implicit negation
Noun phrases need to be considered \\
3 & Utilized Long Short-term memory
(LSTM) for polarity detection in
Roman Urdu
& No validation of data collection process,
no data preprocessing method declared
Methods are not transparent \\
5 & 806 Roman Urdu sentences collection,
features Construction and application
on different multilingual classifiers
& Limited dataset
No structure of the dataset \\
6 & Lexicon and Rule-based methods used to construct a RU classification algorithm,
ML and phonetic techniques used
& Limited categorization of the dataset
No normalizing of the dataset \\
7 & 15,000 roman Urdu sentences collected
& The dataset contained biographies and not general \\
8 & 22,000 sentences of RU were collected,
Supervised \& unsupervised methods used
& Ambiguous combination of classifiers \\
9 & 1200 text documents of Urdu news were collected, performed a linguistic analysis
& No character-level features used
Needs evaluation on state-of-the-art
semantic techniques \\
11 & Existing values collated to different techniques
& No dataset mentioned
No classification methods mentioned \\
12 & A massive dataset of 5 lac sentiments, Use of lexical classifying techniques
& Confusing representation of the dataset\par
Lack of credible results \\
14 & 1000 reviews collected and Various
frameworks compared i.e., Hadoop Mapreduce
& Limited dataset Classifiers were not general and
were overfitting on the given dataset \\
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Slihe.png