Tikz 图片的代码出现错误?

Tikz 图片的代码出现错误?

来自 Zarko 的解决方案:如何绘制这个 TikZ 图形?,为什么这段代码不起作用?

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, quotes}

    \begin{figure} \centering
node distance = 33mm and 33mm,
     N/.style = {draw, minimum size=12mm, inner sep=0pt},
            > = Stealth,
       every edge/.append style = {draw, ->},
every edge quotes/.append style = {font=\small\linespread{0.75}\selectfont,
                                   inner sep=5pt}
\node [N]               (A) {$S$};
\node [N,right=of A]    (B) {$A$};
\node [N,below=of B]    (C) {$I$};
\node [N, left=of C]    (D) {$R$};
\draw [<-] (A) -- ++(-1,0) node[left] {$b\left(1-\nu\right)$};
\draw [<-] (D) -- ++(-1,0) node[left] {$b\nu$};
\draw [->] (A) -- ++( 0,1) node[above] {$\mu S$};
\draw [->] (B) -- ++( 0,1) node[above] {$\mu A$};
\draw [->] ([xshift=-3.5mm] C.south) -- ++(0,-0.4) node[below] {$\alpha I$};
\draw [->] ([xshift=+3.5mm] C.south) -- ++(0,-0.4) node[below] {$\mu I$};
\draw [->] (D) -- ++(0,-1) node[below] {$\mu R$};
     (A.260) edge ["$\rho S$" '] (D.100)
     (A) edge ["$(\beta_A A+\beta_I I)S$"]  (B)
     (B) edge ["$\delta$" '] (C)
     (B) edge["$\sigma A$"] (D)
     (C) edge["$\gamma_I$"](D)
     (C) edge[bend left,"$\eta$"](D)
     (D.80) edge ["$\xi R$" '] (A.280)
%    \setlength{\textfloatsep}{10pt plus 1.0pt minus 2.0pt} % is really needed?
    \caption{Flow diagram for the SAIRS model.}


! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again> 
l.2959      (A.260) edge ["$\rho S$" '] (D.100)



\begin{figure} \centering
node distance = 11mm and 33mm,
     N/.style = {draw, minimum size=12mm, inner sep=0pt},
            > = {Stealth[scale=0.6]},
 every edge/.append style = {draw, ->},
every edge quotes/.append style = {font=\small\linespread{0.75}\selectfont,
                                   inner sep=5pt, sloped}
\node [N] (A) {$S$};
\node [N,above right=of A] (B) {$I_1$};
\node [N,below right=of A] (C) {$I_2$};
\node [N,above right=of C] (D) {$J$};
\node [N,right=of D] (E)  {$A$};
\draw [<-] (A) -- ++(-1,0) node[left] {$\mu$};
\draw [->] (A) -- ++(0,-1) node[below] {$\nu S$};
\draw [->] ([xshift=3.75mm] B.south) -- ++(0,-0.4) node[below] {$\nu I_1$};
\draw [->] (C) -- ++(0,-1) node[below] {$\nu I_2$};
\draw [->] (D) -- ++(0,-1) node[below] {$\nu J$};
\draw [->] ([xshift=-3.5mm] E.south) -- ++(0,-0.4) node[below] {$\alpha A$};
\draw [->] ([xshift=+3.5mm] E.south) -- ++(0,-0.4) node[below] {$\nu A$};
\draw   ([yshift=+1mm] A.east)
            edge [ultra thick, draw=gray,"\slash\slash\slash" anchor=center,
                        p\beta_1 S I_2\\
                        q\beta_2 S J\\
                        r\beta_3 S A
                    \end{gathered}$" ] (B.west)
        ([yshift=-1mm] A.east)
            edge [ultra thick, draw=gray,"\slash\slash\slash" anchor=center,
                        (1-p)\beta_2 S I_2\\
                        (1-q)\beta_2 S J\\
                        (1-r)\beta_3 S A
                    \end{gathered}$" '] (C.west)
       (B) edge [rotate=90,"$\epsilon I_1$"] (C)
        (D.west) edge ["$\xi_1 J$"  ] ( B.east)
        ( C.east) edge ["$p_1 I_2$"  ] (D.west)
        ([yshift=-2mm] D.west) edge ["$\xi_2 J$" '] ([yshift=-2mm] C.east)
    (D) edge ["$p_2 J$"] (E);
\setlength{\textfloatsep}{10pt plus 1.0pt minus 2.0pt}
\caption{Flow diagram for the HIV/AIDS model.}




\usepackage{amsfonts, graphicx, verbatim, mathtools,amssymb, amsthm, mathrsfs,amsmath}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, positioning, quotes}
\usepackage [english]{babel}
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}


\newcommand{\cvgpr}{\xrightarrow{\text{\upshape\tiny P}}}
\newcommand{\I}{{\mathbf 1}}
\newcommand{\R}{{\mathbb R}}
\newcommand{\N}{{\mathbb N}}
\newcommand{\LL}{{\mathbb L}}
\newcommand{\cross}{\mathbin{\tikz [x=1.4ex,y=1.4ex,line width=.075ex] \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) (0,1) -- (1,0);}}%
\setlength{\textfloatsep}{10pt plus 1.0pt minus 2.0pt}


你确实应该删减那个前言,并使用正确的顺序。无论如何,错误是由于缺少 TiZ 库,即babel(该错误是由 触发的csquotes)。

\usetikzlibrary{babel,arrows.meta, positioning, quotes}


复制您的代码并通过 LuaLatex 在 MikTex 中运行它会生成此图像;与 pdflatex 相同:


更多调查:运行 TeXworks

  • pdfTex:失败
  • pdfLatex:“未定义控制序列\documentclass...”
  • pdfLatex+MakeIndex+BibTex:确定(即绘制图像)
  • LuaTex:完全不了解 Tikz 等等。
  • LuaLatex:好的
  • LuaLatex+MakeIndex+BibTex:似乎可以
  • XeTex:“未定义控制序列 \documentclass...”
  • XeLatex:遗漏了一个包裹

