如何在乳胶中重现 cookingforengineers.com 图表?

如何在乳胶中重现 cookingforengineers.com 图表?

我正在尝试创建一个食谱汇总表,就像这一页使用 latex。我的最终目标是能够将我的食谱集写成库克朗并使用 python 脚本将它们显示为这些图表,但我仍在使用 latex 制作初始图表。

这些 答案是我在研究过程中能找到的最接近的,但都没有展示如何将食谱结构转换成图表。可能还有其他一些我忽略的问题,因为该网站的作者手动格式化菜谱摘要

我对 latex 还很陌生,希望我忽略了一些显而易见的东西,但我没有找到一种方法来描述我想要的结构,而不是手动格式化输出。我使用 struktex 得到了很多方法,因为 cookingforengineers.com 图表看起来很像一个Nassi-Shneiderman 图,但我仍然对输出不满意。



\assign{Cool and Cut}
\ifthenelse[20]{1}{1}{350°F for 20 min}{Crust}{Filling}
    \sub{350°F for 20 min}
    \sub{refrigerate for 30 min.}
    \sub{line 9x13" pan}
        \assign{Lemon Zest}
        \assign{Lemon Juice}
        \assign{Whole Milk}


  1. 表格流程图布局
  2. 让菜谱结构一目了然
  3. 图表布局遵循菜谱顺序(即先用原料)

我已经使用上述代码解决了问题 1 和 2,但我不确定如何获得问题 3。我怀疑我需要完全放弃 struktex 包,但我还没有找到更好的方法来获得我想要的布局,而无需诉诸手动格式化。


  1. 图表布局与菜谱顺序相反
  2. 配方成分长度的差异会留下空隙(例如“黄油”和“全脂牛奶”)
  3. 垂直布局限制了成分的长度,以达到合理的页面宽度


问候并欢迎来到 tex.stackexchange!

我也一直在看 Michael Chu 的表格配方符号格式已经存在了相当长一段时间。这似乎是一种揭示食谱结构方面的有趣方式。值得注意的是,Chu 先生已决定尝试为该格式申请专利(尽管“专利申请中”的注释已在他的网站上存在了 15 年多):我找不到该申请,所以我不知道新颖且非显而易见的过程(美国专利商标局的部分特征是专利) 均受专利保护。据 Chu 先生介绍,他先用 HTML 编写原图,然后用 Illustrator 完成最终效果。

从一开始,我就觉得 TeX 可以胜任这项工作,而且在 Ti 的帮助下它也可以做到Z. 以下代码相当适合我的目的。我对代码进行了相当好的注释(我承认,注释有些冗长)。




%% color defaults:

\makeatletter %% keyval
\define@key{engin}{shownums}[true]{\csname shownums#1\endcsname}

%% Dissect ingredient listing
\NewDocumentCommand{\ingredlist}{ >{\SplitList{;}}m }{\par\ProcessList{#1}{\fooaux}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\fooaux}{m} {\fooauxa{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\fooauxa}{m}{% Format ingredients, each in its own node
    \ifnum \theingnumtmp=0 % nodes containing indidual ingredients, first ingredient
        \node[boxy] (A1) {\strut#1\strut};
    \else % next ingredients
        \node[boxy,below = 0pt of A\theingnumtmp] (A\theingnum) {\strut#1\strut};
    \ifshownums % show ingredient numbers.
        \node[left,anchor=south east] at (A\theingnum.south east) {\tiny I-\theingnum};% 

\NewDocumentEnvironment{recipe}{ O{} m m }{% #1 Ingredients, csv; #2 optional title
    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=0pt]
        \tikzset{boxy/.style={draw,text width=1.35in,outer sep=0pt,
        % tasks and stages follow
}{% finish up and decorate
        \ifnum\thestage=0 % avoid error if no stages, just listing ingredients
            \draw[ultra thick,purple] (A1.north east) -- (A\theingnum.south east);
            \ifnum\thestage=1 % Avoid error if only one stage
                \foreach \nn in {2,...,\thestage} {\draw[very thick] (A1.north -| S\nn) --
                    (S\nn |- A\theingnum.south);}
            \ifshownums % show stage designation
                \foreach\nnn in {1,...,\thestage}
                    \node[font=\bfseries\tiny,inner sep=0pt,below right =1pt and 1.5pt of S\nnn]
                        {\romannumeral\nnn};% stages marked with Alpha
            \draw[ultra thick,fill=titlefill]% Title
                (A1.north west) rectangle node[font=\huge\bfseries]{\itshape#2}
                ($(B\thestepB |- S1) + (0,2.5*\baselineskip)$);
            \begin{scope}[on background layer]% tasks background
                \fill[stagebackground] (S1) rectangle (A\theingnum.south west -| B\thestepB);
                \foreach \ni in {1,...,\theingnum} \draw (A\ni.south west) --
                    (A\ni.south -| S\thestage);
            \draw[ultra thick] (A1.north west) rectangle
                (A\theingnum.south west -| B\thestepB);

%%  1[width, for new column -- use \stagewd to repeat or alter]; 2start; 3end;4 text; *note
%%  Note that the  fourth argument is delimited by `;' which has nothing to do with TikZ
\NewDocumentCommand{\tk}{o u{ } u{ } u{;} s}{%
    \IfNoValueF{#1}{%There is a column width specified
        \setlength{\columnoffset}{\dimexpr\columnoffset + \stagewd\relax}%
        \setlength{\stagewd}{\dimexpr#1\relax}% Timing! Argument can be expression
        \coordinate (S\thestage) at ($(A1.north east) + (\columnoffset,0)$);% Stage 
        \coordinate (SH\thestage) at ($(A1.north east) + (\columnoffset+\stagewd/2,0)$);% Stage mid
    \draw[fill=taskfill] (S\thestage |- A#2.north east)% UL
        rectangle node[text width = \stagewd-6pt,align=center]% node
            {\IfBooleanT{#5}{\itshape\bfseries\color{red}}\strut#4\strut} % content
        ($(S\thestage |- A#3.south east) + (\stagewd,0in)$) coordinate (B\thestepB); % LR
    \IfBooleanF{#5}{\ifshownums\node[font=\tiny,above left=0pt and 0pt of B\thestepB]

\setmainfont{STIX Two Text}


% On the left, are the ingredients in the order used. On the right, the method
% is divided into columns, each a *stage* in the process; each stage (column) contains tasks.

% The recipe environment takes three arguments:
%   #1 Optional keyval choices:
        % <shownums> or <shownums=true> shows ingredient, stage and task numbers
        %   omitting <shownums> or <shownums=false> hides the numbers
        % Background colors for the title, stages and tasks can be assigned using
        %   <titlefill>, <ingredfill>, <taskfill>, and <stagebackground>
%   #2 Title
%   #3 A comma-separated list of ingredients; a textual comma has to be enclosed in braces {}

% A good starting point would be to initiate the recipe environment with only
% the ingredients, using [shownums]. This will show the ingredient row numbers
% making it easier to indicate the tasks.

% The \tk macro is used for the stages and tasks
%   An optional argument to \tk (eg [1in]) initiates a new stage column
%   and specifies the width of the current stage column.
%   Manner of use: \tk[<dimen>]<from row> <to row> <ingredient>,
%%      -->>[...] starts new column -- can contain expression; use \stagewd only after first stage 
%   or: \tk <from row> <to row> <ingredient>, -->>continues with task in stage column

% Optional argument to recipe is for keyval



\begin{recipe}[shownums,stagebackground=red!10]{Toll House Cookies}{%
    %% the ingredients, ;-separated
    1 cup  butter;
    ¾ cup  granulated sugar;
    ¾ cup  brown sugar;
    1 tsp.  vanilla;
    2 large  eggs;
    2¾ cup  flour;
    1 tsp  baking soda;
    ½ tsp.  salt;
    2 cups  chocolate chips;
    1 cup  nuts, chopped}
    %% |=====8><-----| %% the method
    \tk[1in]1 1 Soften;
    \tk 5 5 Room temp.;*
    \tk  6 8 Combine;
    \tk[\stagewd-0.25in]1 4 Beat until smooth;
    \tk[1in]1 5 Beat in one egg  at a time;
    \tk[1in]1 8 Gradually beat in flour mixture;
    \tk[1in]1 10 Form into $\approx$1-inch balls and place on baking sheet;
    \tk[1in]1 10 Bake at 375°F for 10 minutes;




TRN 显示数=false
