我正在使用 Overleaf(编译器 = XeLaTeX;TexLive 版本 2021)编写文档。在其中,我将从 Excel 传输的表格放入TablesGenerator.com然后我将其放入我的 Overleaf 文档中。
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Name} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Label} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Description} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Code} \\ \midrule
Cars & Manufacturers & Audi, Kia,Volkswagen & 23579 \\
Providence & Rhode Island & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Immigrant labor powered one of the nation's largest industrial manufacturing centers. Providence was a major manufacturer of industrial products, \\ from steam engines to precision tools to silverware, screws, and textiles. Giant companies were based in or near Providence, such as Brown \& Sharpe,\\ the Corliss Steam Engine Company, Babcock \& Wilcox, the Grinnell Corporation, the Gorham Manufacturing Company, Nicholson File, and the Fruit \\ of the Loom textile company. From 1975 until 1982, \$606 million of local and national community development funds were invested throughout the city. \\ In the 1990s, the city pushed for revitalization, realigning the north–south railroad tracks, removing the huge rail viaduct that separated Downtown from\\ the capitol building, uncovering and moving the rivers (which had been covered by paved bridges) to create Waterplace Park and river walks along the\\ rivers' banks, and constructing the Fleet Skating Rink (now the Alex and Ani City Center) and the Providence Place Mall.\end{tabular} & 2346 \\ \bottomrule
我在 Tex.SE 上搜索了这个问题的解决方案,有几十篇关于这个问题的帖子。不过,我读到的大多数帖子似乎都建议使用不同的表格环境,例如tabularx
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Name} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Label} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Description} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Code} \\ \midrule
Cars & Manufacturers & Audi, Kia,Volkswagen & 23579 \\
Providence & Rhode Island & \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}Immigrant labor powered one of the nation's largest industrial manufacturing centers. Providence was a major manufacturer of industrial products, \\ from steam engines to precision tools to silverware, screws, and textiles. Giant companies were based in or near Providence, such as Brown \& Sharpe,\\ the Corliss Steam Engine Company, Babcock \& Wilcox, the Grinnell Corporation, the Gorham Manufacturing Company, Nicholson File, and the Fruit \\ of the Loom textile company. From 1975 until 1982, \$606 million of local and national community development funds were invested throughout the city. \\ In the 1990s, the city pushed for revitalization, realigning the north–south railroad tracks, removing the huge rail viaduct that separated Downtown from\\ the capitol building, uncovering and moving the rivers (which had been covered by paved bridges) to create Waterplace Park and river walks along the\\ rivers' banks, and constructing the Fleet Skating Rink (now the Alex and Ani City Center) and the Providence Place Mall.\end{tabular} & 2346 \\ \bottomrule
其列说明符外,您还可以使用或类似方法在给定宽度的 parbox 中排版其内容,p{5in}
更好的是,您可以使用 tabularx 包并使用X
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Name} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Label} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Description} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Code} \\ \midrule
Cars & Manufacturers & Audi, Kia,Volkswagen & 23579 \\
Providence & Rhode Island & \raggedright Immigrant labor powered one of the nation's largest industrial manufacturing centers. Providence was a major manufacturer of industrial products, from steam engines to precision tools to silverware, screws, and textiles. Giant companies were based in or near Providence, such as Brown \& Sharpe, the Corliss Steam Engine Company, Babcock \& Wilcox, the Grinnell Corporation, the Gorham Manufacturing Company, Nicholson File, and the Fruit of the Loom textile company. From 1975 until 1982, \$606 million of local and national community development funds were invested throughout the city. In the 1990s, the city pushed for revitalization, realigning the north–south railroad tracks, removing the huge rail viaduct that separated Downtown from the capitol building, uncovering and moving the rivers (which had been covered by paved bridges) to create Waterplace Park and river walks along the rivers' banks, and constructing the Fleet Skating Rink (now the Alex and Ani City Center) and the Providence Place Mall.& 2346 \\ \bottomrule
\begin{tblr}{colspec={@{} ll X[j] c @{}},
row{1}={font=\bfseries, c}
Name & Label & Description & Code \\
Cars & Manufacturers & Audi, Kia,Volkswagen & 23579 \\
& Rhode Island & Immigrant labor powered one of the nation's largest industrial manufacturing centers. Providence was a major manufacturer of industrial products, from steam engines to precision tools to silverware, screws, and textiles. Giant companies were based in or near Providence, such as Brown \& Sharpe, the Corliss Steam Engine Company, Babcock \& Wilcox, the Grinnell Corporation, the Gorham Manufacturing Company, Nicholson File, and the Fruit of the Loom textile company. From 1975 until 1982, \$606 million of local and national community development funds were invested throughout the city. In the 1990s, the city pushed for revitalization, realigning the north–south railroad tracks, removing the huge rail viaduct that separated Downtown from the capitol building, uncovering and moving the rivers (which had been covered by paved bridges) to create Waterplace Park and river walks along the rivers' banks, and constructing the Fleet Skating Rink (now the Alex and Ani City Center) and the Providence Place Mall.
& 2346 \\