我想为使用 KOMA 类scrartcl
PS 在下面添加了我自己的建议。欢迎提出改进建议和新答案
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% Edit custom info
\title{Title of the Article}
% Journal info
\newcommand{\publicationtype}{Research Paper}
\newcommand{\journal}{Science \& Fiction}
\newcommand{\totitle}{Editor of \journal}
\newcommand{\toseniority}{Professor} % Dr.
\newcommand{\toname}{\tofirstname\ \tolastname}
\newcommand{\tounit}{Center for Sciences}
\newcommand{\toorg}{University of America}
\newcommand{\tostreet}{Box 123 Capitol}
\newcommand{\toplace}{DC, USA}
\newcommand{\toemail}{\mailto{[email protected]}}
% Suggested reviewers:
\href{https://www.america.com}{Prof. Referee1}; \href{https://www.america.com}{Prof. Referee2}; \href{https://www.america.com}{Prof. Referee3}, and
\href{https://www.america.com}{Prof. Referee4}}
% Article info
% Title extracted from preamble with the package titling and macro \thetitle (below)
Coauthor 1, \mailto{[email protected]} and
Coauthor 2, \mailto{[email protected]}}
% First Author info
\newcommand{\fromname}{Randy O'right}
\newcommand{\fromunit}{Research Institute}
\newcommand{\fromorg}{University of Europe}
\newcommand{\fromstreet}{Street 1}
\newcommand{\fromplace}{00123, Bryssels, Europe}
\newcommand{\fromemail}{\mailto{[email protected]}}
\newcommand{\fromphone}{+123 456 789}
% ---------------------
% Letter settings
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\opening{\textbf{Dear \tolastname,}}
\closing{Kind Regards}
\encl{\begin{itemize} \item Article Manuscript \item Title Page\end{itemize}}
% text modified from:
% https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/publishing-your-research/making-your-submission/writing-a-journal-article-cover-letter/
% and
% https://thinkscience.co.jp/en/articles/writing-journal-cover-letters
% Preliminaries
%\usepackage{0Preamble} % settings common to the project, below are the essential for this document:
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% Edit custom info
% Journal info
\newcommand{\publicationtype}{Research Paper}
\newcommand{\journal}{Science \& Fiction}
\newcommand{\totitle}{Editor of \journal}
\newcommand{\toseniority}{Professor} % Dr.
\newcommand{\toname}{\tofirstname\ \tolastname}
\newcommand{\tounit}{Center for Sciences}
\newcommand{\toorg}{University of America}
\newcommand{\tostreet}{Box 123 Capitol}
\newcommand{\toplace}{DC, USA}
\newcommand{\toemail}{\mailto{[email protected]}}
% Suggested reviewers:
\href{https://www.america.com}{Prof. Referee1}; \href{https://www.america.com}{Prof. Referee2}; \href{https://www.america.com}{Prof. Referee3}, and
\href{https://www.america.com}{Prof. Referee4}}
% Article info
% Title extracted from preamble with the package titling and macro \thetitle (below)
Coauthor 1, \mailto{[email protected]} and
Coauthor 2, \mailto{[email protected]}}
% First Author info
\newcommand{\fromname}{Randy O'right}
\newcommand{\fromunit}{Research Institute}
\newcommand{\fromorg}{University of Europe}
\newcommand{\fromstreet}{Street 1}
\newcommand{\fromplace}{00123, Bryssels, Europe}
\newcommand{\fromemail}{\mailto{[email protected]}}
\newcommand{\fromphone}{+123 456 789}
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\leftright[t]{Editor of \journal}{\fromtitle}
\emph{\leftright[t]{\textbf{Dear \toseniority\ \tolastname,}}{\today}}
I would like to submit the manuscript entitled \emph{\thetitle} to be considered for publication as a \publicationtype\ in \journal.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EDIT BELOW %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%xxxxxxxxx[[Summarize the research problem/gap, your main research findings, and the implications of your findings]].
%In this paper, I/we report on / show that _______. This is significant because __________.
%We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by [journal name] because it… [specific reference to the journal’s Aims & Scope]. __________.
% [Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in this journal. Do not simply insert your abstract into your cover letter! Briefly describe the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readership of the journal would be interested in it.]
In this paper we show that smoking is bath for health. This is significant because bad health decreases life expectancy and years of good life.
We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by \journal\ as we need to get this published somewhere.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EDIT ABOVE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% [[Revise or delete any of the following standard statements used in cover letters]]
We declare that this manuscript is original, has not been published before and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. We know of no conflicts of interest associated with this publication, and there has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome. As corresponding author, I confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved for submission by all the named authors:\coauthorsandemails.
% Suggestion for referees
In case you found it useful, my coauthors and I would like to suggest as possible referees \referees. % You may access their homepages by clicking at the titles.
% [[Add any other statements/information required by the journal here.]]
We hope you find our manuscript fit for publication in your journal and look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
\item Article Manuscript
\item Title Page