阴影 - 具有精确坐标的 spath3
\cs_set_eq:NN \getComponentOf \clist_item:Nn
\tikzset{ % from texexchange: transform defined coordinates in TikZ
c/.style={every coordinate/.try}
\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick, every node/.style={scale=10}, scale=13]
\draw[spath/save=orange, orange] (3,1) -- (6,4) ;
\draw[spath/save=blue, blue] (1,4) -- (4,1) ;
\draw[spath/save=red, red] (0.5,2.5) -- (3.5,6) ;
\draw[spath/save=lime, lime] (2,2) -- (2,5) ;
\draw[spath/save=green, green] (6,2.6) -- (2.5,6) ;
\draw[spath/save=yellow, yellow] (5,2.6) -- (5,4) ;
\draw[spath/save=lime, lime] (2,2) -- (2,5) ;
spath/split at intersections={lime}{red},
spath/split at intersections={lime}{blue},
spath/split at intersections={blue}{orange},
spath/split at intersections={orange}{yellow},
spath/split at intersections={yellow}{green},
spath/split at intersections={green}{red},
spath/get components of={lime}\limecpts,
spath/get components of={red}\redcpts,
spath/get components of={blue}\bluecpts,
spath/get components of={orange}\orangecpts,
spath/get components of={yellow}\yellowcpts,
spath/get components of={green}\greencpts,
spath/append reverse=\getComponentOf\redcpts{2},
spath/append reverse =\getComponentOf\limecpts{2},
%% Useful for figuring out which components to use and what direction they go in
\foreach \pth/\cpts in {lime/\limecpts,red/\redcpts,blue/\bluecpts,orange/\orangecpts,yellow/\yellowcpts,green/\greencpts}
\foreach[count=\k] \cpt in \cpts
\node[font=\tiny] at (spath cs:{\cpt} .5) {\pth-\k};
\node[transform shape, spath/transform to=\cpt{.8}, font=\tiny] {>};
\filldraw[green] (3.2,3) to[closed,curve through={(3.3,4)}] (3.5,3) ;
\cs_set_eq:NN \getComponentOf \clist_item:Nn
\tikzset{ % from texexchange: transform defined coordinates in TikZ
c/.style={every coordinate/.try}
\begin{tikzpicture}[thick, scale = 10]
\draw[yellow, name path=yellow] (2,0) -- (0,-5) ;
\draw[lime,name path=lime] (-1,-1) -- (-3,-5) ;
\begin{scope}[every coordinate/.style={shift={(-3,-4)}, rotate={(140)}}]
\draw[red, name path=red] ([c]1,2) -- ([c]0,-4) ;
\draw[orange,name path=orange] ([c]-1,2) -- ([c]-3,-4) ;
\begin{scope}[every coordinate/.style={shift={(-1,-4)}, rotate={(240)}}]
\draw[blue, name path=blue] ([c]2,2) -- ([c]0,-2) ;
\draw[green,name path=green] ([c]-1,2) -- ([c]-3,-2) ;
\filldraw[green] (-1,-3) to[closed,curve through={(-0.5,-2.5)}] (-0.2,-3) ;
\cs_set_eq:NN \getComponentOf \clist_item:Nn
\tikzset{ % from texexchange: transform defined coordinates in TikZ
c/.style={every coordinate/.try}
\begin{tikzpicture}[thick, scale = 10]
\draw[yellow, spath/save=yellow] (2,0) -- (0,-5) ;
\draw[lime,spath/save=lime] (-1,-1) -- (-3,-5) ;
\begin{scope}[every coordinate/.style={shift={(-3,-4)}, rotate={(140)}}]
\draw[red, spath/save=red] ([c]1,2) -- ([c]0,-4) ;
\draw[orange,spath/save=orange] ([c]-1,2) -- ([c]-3,-4) ;
\begin{scope}[every coordinate/.style={shift={(-1,-4)}, rotate={(240)}}]
\draw[blue, spath/save=blue] ([c]2,2) -- [c]0,-2) ;
\draw[green,spath/save=green] ([c]-1,2) -- ([c]-3,-2) ;
spath/split at intersections={lime}{red},
spath/split at intersections={lime}{blue},
spath/split at intersections={blue}{orange},
spath/split at intersections={orange}{yellow},
spath/split at intersections={yellow}{green},
spath/split at intersections={green}{red},
spath/get components of={lime}\limecpts,
spath/get components of={red}\redcpts,
spath/get components of={blue}\bluecpts,
spath/get components of={orange}\orangecpts,
spath/get components of={yellow}\yellowcpts,
spath/get components of={green}\greencpts
spath/append reverse=\getComponentOf\redcpts{2},
spath/append reverse =\getComponentOf\limecpts{2},
%% Useful for figuring out which components to use and what direction they go in
\foreach \pth/\cpts in {lime/\limecpts,red/\redcpts,blue/\bluecpts,orange/\orangecpts,yellow/\yellowcpts,green/\greencpts}
\foreach[count=\k] \cpt in \cpts
\node[font=\tiny] at (spath cs:{\cpt} .5) {\pth-\k};
\node[transform shape, spath/transform to=\cpt{.8}, font=\tiny] {>};
\filldraw[green] (-1,-3) to[closed,curve through={(-0.5,-2.5)}] (-0.2,-3) ;
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\cs_set_eq:NN \getComponentOf \clist_item:Nn
\tikzset{ % from texexchange: transform defined coordinates in TikZ
c/.style={every coordinate/.try}
\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick, every node/.style={scale=10}, scale=13]
\draw[yellow, spath/save global=yellow] (2,0) -- (0,-5) ;
\draw[lime,spath/save global=lime] (-1,-1) -- (-3,-5) ;
\begin{scope}[every coordinate/.style={shift={(-3,-4)}, rotate={(140)}}]
\draw[red, spath/save global=red] ([c]1,2) -- ([c]0,-4) ;
\draw[orange,spath/save global=orange] ([c]-1,2) -- ([c]-3,-4) ;
\begin{scope}[every coordinate/.style={shift={(-1,-4)}, rotate={(240)}}]
\draw[blue, spath/save global=blue] ([c]2,2) -- ([c]0,-2) ;
\draw[green,spath/save global=green] ([c]-1,2) -- ([c]-3,-2) ;
spath/split at intersections={lime}{red},
spath/split at intersections={lime}{blue},
spath/split at intersections={blue}{orange},
spath/split at intersections={orange}{yellow},
spath/split at intersections={yellow}{green},
spath/split at intersections={green}{red},
spath/get components of={lime}\limecpts,
spath/get components of={red}\redcpts,
spath/get components of={blue}\bluecpts,
spath/get components of={orange}\orangecpts,
spath/get components of={yellow}\yellowcpts,
spath/get components of={green}\greencpts
spath/append reverse=\getComponentOf\yellowcpts{2},
spath/append reverse=\getComponentOf\redcpts{2},
spath/append =\getComponentOf\limecpts{2},
spath/append reverse=\getComponentOf\bluecpts{2}
\filldraw[green] (-1,-3) to[closed,curve through={(-0.5,-2.5)}] (-0.2,-3) ;