2 页码问题:标题页和字体

2 页码问题:标题页和字体


  1. 我想跳过第 1 页的编号
  2. 我想使用另一种字体(BookAntiqua)进行页码编排(我对正文使用了阿拉伯风格,但这种字体不包含任何数字)。

我已经尝试过 fancyhdr 包,但它似乎与页面边框(装饰)相冲突,所以这似乎是一个额外的挑战。


% scrlayer-scrpage %

\newcommand\om{5mm}% ornament margin
\newcommand\ow{2cm}% ornament width
\newcommand\oh{2cm}% ornament height
\newcommand\ols{0mm}% ornament line shift %1.5mm
\newcommand\on{63}% ornament number

\newcommand\lencornerdivthreecm{\lencornerdivthree cm}
\newcommand\lencornerdivtwocm{\lencornerdivtwo cm}

\tikzset{mainborder/.style={line width=0.65mm}}
\tikzset{thinborder/.style={line width=0.2mm}}

% define the border and save it in a box
  % ornaments %
  \foreach[count=\i]\a/\p/\s in {%
  north west/{\om,-\om}/none,
  north east/{{\paperwidth-\om},-\om}/v,
  south east/{{\paperwidth-\om},{-\paperheight+\om}}/c,%
  south west/{\om,{-\paperheight+\om}}/h%
  }\node[anchor=\a](n\i) at (\p){\pgfornament[width=\ow,height=\oh, symmetry=\s]{\on}};

    %% lines %%
    \draw ([yshift=-\ols]n1.north east) -- ([yshift=-\ols]n2.north west);
    \draw ([xshift=-\ols]n2.south east) -- ([xshift=-\ols]n3.north east);
    \draw ([yshift=\ols]n3.south west) -- ([yshift=\ols]n4.south east) ;
    \draw ([xshift=\ols]n4.north west) -- ([xshift=\ols]n1.south west);
    %% corners %%
    % top left %
    \coordinate (B) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm]n1.north east);
    \coordinate (C) at ([xshift=\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm]n1.north west);
    \draw (n1.south west) arc (180:90:\lencornerdivthree) -- (C) -- (B) arc (180:90:\lencornerdivthree);
    % bottom left %
    \coordinate (Y) at ([xshift=\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=\lencornerdivthreecm]n4.south west);
    \coordinate (Z) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=\lencornerdivthreecm]n4.south east);
    \draw (n4.north west) arc (180:270:\lencornerdivthree) -- (Y) -- (Z) arc (180:270:\lencornerdivthree);
    % top right %
    \coordinate (S) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm]n2.north east);
    \coordinate (T) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=\lencornerdivthreecm]n2.south east);
    \draw (n2.north west) arc (90:0:\lencornerdivthree) -- (S) -- (T) arc (90:0:\lencornerdivthree);
    % bottom right %
    \coordinate (F) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm]n3.north east);
    \coordinate (G) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=\lencornerdivthreecm]n3.south east);
    \draw (n3.south west) arc (-90:0:\lencornerdivthree) -- (G) -- (F) arc (-90:0:\lencornerdivthree);

  %% [thin borders] %%
    % top left
    \coordinate (topLeftBottom) at ([xshift=\ols+3mm, yshift=-3mm]n1.south west); %down
    \coordinate (topLeftTop) at ([xshift=3mm, yshift=\ols-3mm]n1.north east); %up
    \coordinate (topLeftCenter) at ([yshift=-\lencornerdivtwocm-\magicOrnamentOffset, xshift=\lencornerdivtwocm+\magicOrnamentOffset]n1.north west);
    % bottom left
    \coordinate (bottomLeftBottom) at ([xshift=+3mm, yshift=\ols+3mm]n4.south east);
    \coordinate (bottomLeftTop) at ([xshift=\ols+3mm, yshift=3mm]n4.north west);
    \coordinate (bottomLeftCenter) at ([yshift=\lencornerdivtwocm+\magicOrnamentOffset, xshift=\lencornerdivtwocm+\magicOrnamentOffset]n4.south west);
    % bottom right
    \coordinate (bottomRightBottom) at ([xshift=-3mm, yshift=\ols+3mm]n3.south west);
    \coordinate (bottomRightTop) at ([xshift=-\ols-3mm, yshift=3mm]n3.north east);
    \coordinate (bottomRightCenter) at ([yshift=\lencornerdivtwocm+\magicOrnamentOffset, xshift=-\lencornerdivtwocm-\magicOrnamentOffset]n3.south east); 
    % top right
    \coordinate (topRightBottom) at ([xshift=\ols-3mm, yshift=-\ols-3mm]n2.south east);
    \coordinate (topRightTop) at ([xshift=-\ols-3mm, yshift=-\ols-3mm]n2.north west);
    \coordinate (topRightCenter) at ([yshift=-\lencornerdivtwocm-\magicOrnamentOffset, xshift=-\lencornerdivtwocm-\magicOrnamentOffset]n2.north east); 
    %% lines %%
    \draw (topLeftTop) -- (topRightTop); % top
    \draw (bottomRightBottom) -- (bottomLeftBottom) ; % bottom 
    \draw (topRightBottom) -- (bottomRightTop); % right
    \draw (bottomLeftTop) -- (topLeftBottom); % left 
    %% top left %%
    % loops %
    \draw (topLeftBottom) arc (180:0:0.2) arc (0:-180:0.1) coordinate (topLeftLower); % bottom
    \draw (topLeftTop) arc (90:270:0.2) arc (-90:90:0.1) coordinate (topLeftUpper); %top
    % brackets to center %
    \draw (topLeftCenter) to [in=90, out=280] (topLeftLower); % left
    \draw (topLeftUpper) to [in=0, out=175] (topLeftCenter); % right
    %% bottom left %%
    % loops %
    \draw (bottomLeftBottom) arc (270:90:0.2) arc (90:-90:0.1) coordinate (bottomLeftLower);
    \draw (bottomLeftTop) arc (-180:0:0.2) arc (0:180:0.1) coordinate (bottomLeftUpper);
    % brackets to center %
    \draw (bottomLeftCenter) to [in=175, out=0] (bottomLeftLower); % left
    \draw (bottomLeftUpper) to [in=90, out=280] (bottomLeftCenter); % right
    %% bottom right %%
    %% loops %%
    \draw (bottomRightBottom) arc (-90:90:0.2) arc (90:270:0.1) coordinate (bottomRightLower);
    \draw (bottomRightTop) arc (0:-180:0.2) arc (180:0:0.1) coordinate (bottomRightUpper);
    %% brackets to center %
    \draw (bottomRightCenter) to [in=0, out=175] (bottomRightLower);
    \draw (bottomRightUpper) to  [in=90, out=280] (bottomRightCenter);
    %% top right %%
    % loops %
    \draw (topRightBottom) arc (0:180:0.2) arc (-180:0:0.1) coordinate (topRightLower);
    \draw (topRightTop) arc (90:-90:0.2) arc (270:90:0.1) coordinate (topRightUpper);
    % brackets to center %
    \draw (topRightCenter) to [in=90, out=280] (topRightLower);
    \draw (topRightUpper) to  [in=175, out=0] (topRightCenter);

% define a switch to enable and disable the border
% define a new layer
% add the border layer to all layer page styles (scrheadings, plain, empty, ...) ...
% but no border on empty pages 


%\setmainfont{Special Ramadhan Standaard}[BoldFont = {Special Ramadhan Standaard Bold}% probably typo in "Standard"

% download from https://www.1001fonts.com/special-ramadhan-font.html
% copied to dir of this file AND renamed font file




 This page has to be in the same style as the other pages (with the nice page borders), but it should not contain a page number.



This page is should be the first page with a page number (i.e. page 2) and the page numbers should be in another font than the main text. 







\renewcommand*{\pagemark}{} % suppress page number <<<<<

    This page has to be in the same style as the other pages (with the nice page borders), but it should not contain a page number.


\setkomafont{pageheadfoot}{\color{red}\sffamily\large}% change font <<<<<<<<<<
\renewcommand*{\pagemark}{\thepage}% show page numebering <<<<<<<<<<<

This page is should be the first page with a page number (i.e. page 2) and the page numbers should be in another font than the main text.


