\addcontentsline 链接没有带我到正确的页面

\addcontentsline 链接没有带我到正确的页面



\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}



\newcommand\grayrule{{\color{gray} \noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{\rule{\paperwidth}{0.4pt}}}}


  % Table of Contents
    % Set a couple of variables
    \def\formatteddate{\d{y}0/\d{m}0/\d{d}0} % EXM: 2022/06/10
    \def\todayformatted{\d{y}0-\d{m}0-\d{d}0} % EXM: 2022-06-10

    \def\firstdayofyear{2022-01-01} % EXM: 2022-01-01

    \def\firstdayofmonth{\d{y}0-\d{m}0-01} % EXM: 2022-08-01
    \def\monthgoalsformat{./\d{y}0/\d{m}0/goals.tex} % EXM: 2022/01/goals.tex

    % Check if it's the first day of the year
      % Add the year to the table of contents
      \noindent{\Huge \d{y}0}

      % Add the month to the table of contents
      % \section*{\d{m}t}
      \noindent{\LARGE \d{m}t}
      % Add the goals to the table of contents
      \noindent{\Large Goals for \d{m}t}
      \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Goals for \textbf{\d{m}t}}
    \noindent{\Large \d{m}t \d{d}- \d{y}-}
    \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\d{m}t \d{d}0. \d{y}0}



正如@Celdor 指出的那样,我需要\phantomsection在之前使用\addcontentsline



\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}



\newcommand\grayrule{{\color{gray} \noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{\rule{\paperwidth}{0.4pt}}}}


  % Table of Contents
    % Set a couple of variables
    \def\formatteddate{\d{y}0/\d{m}0/\d{d}0} % EXM: 2022/06/10
    \def\todayformatted{\d{y}0-\d{m}0-\d{d}0} % EXM: 2022-06-10

    \def\firstdayofyear{2022-01-01} % EXM: 2022-01-01

    \def\firstdayofmonth{\d{y}0-\d{m}0-01} % EXM: 2022-08-01
    \def\monthgoalsformat{./\d{y}0/\d{m}0/goals.tex} % EXM: 2022/01/goals.tex

    % Check if it's the first day of the year
      % Add the year to the table of contents
      \noindent{\Huge \d{y}0}

      % Add the month to the table of contents
      % \section*{\d{m}t}
      \noindent{\LARGE \d{m}t}
      % Add the goals to the table of contents
      \noindent{\Large Goals for \d{m}t}
      \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{Goals for \textbf{\d{m}t}}
    \noindent{\Large \d{m}t \d{d}- \d{y}-}
    \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\d{m}t \d{d}0. \d{y}0}
