\floatsep 没有反映出来

\floatsep 没有反映出来

我正在写的论文使用了这个 .sty 模板,并且有几行用于设置 \textfloatsep、\floatsep 和 \intextsep,但无论我把它们做多大,它们似乎都不会影响图 A 和 B 彼此相邻时之间的间距。 图形和文本之间的间距可以成功更改,但是当图形像本例一样彼此相邻时,乳胶不会遵守 \floatsep 设置的间距。在此处的示例中,间距设置为 175pt 以过度夸张,但这并没有反映在文档中。我可以通过应用 vspace 来强制图形之间的间距,但这可能会给其他地方的图形带来新的问题。 有没有办法在整个文档中强制执行图形和文本之间的严格最小间距,这样我就不必逐一检查每个图形并测量间距?

thesistemplate.sty 文件:

\marginparwidth 40pt \marginparsep 10pt
\topmargin 0in \headsep .31in
\textheight 8.94in \textwidth 6.5in

\RequirePackage{afterpage} %needed for manual Page Head fix

\oddsidemargin 0.00in
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\textfloatsep  175pt plus 2pt minus 4pt
\floatsep 175pt plus 2pt minus 4pt
\intextsep  175pt plus 2pt minus 4pt %%%% added FRW





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\def\copyrightyear#1{\gdef\@copyrightyear{#1}} % \author, \title in report
\def\@title{}\def\@author{}\def\@dept{computer science}

  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
  \space \number\the\year}
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                 {\small #1} \\}

{\@member{\signline{#1\ (Member)}}}}

                 \ \\
                A \ifphd Dissertation \else Thesis \fi Submitted to the Faculty of\\
                B University in Partial Fulfillment of the\\
                Requirements for the Degree of\\
                \ \\
                \ifphd \uppercase{Doctor of Philosophy} \else \uppercase{Master of Science}\fi \\
                \ \\
                \ \\
                \uppercase{B University}\\
        \hfill\parbox[t]{2.5in}{Approved by:\\
                                \signline{\@principaladviser\ (Director)}

                {\large\bf ABSTRACT}\\
                \ \\
                B University, \number\the\year\\
                Director: Dr. \@principaladviser 

                 Department of \@dept \\
                 B University \\
                 C City, D State ZipCode
                 Typeset using \LaTeX .

      %  \vspace*{2in}
                Copyright,\ \@copyrightyear,\ by
                All Rights Reserved.

      %  \titlep
      %  \abstractpage
     %   \ifcopyright\copyrightpage\fi }


      %  \tableofcontents

\def\tableofcontents{\pagestyle{myheadings}\chapter*{Table of Contents}
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\def\listoffigures{\chapter*{List of Figures}

 {\setlength{\parskip}{12\p@} \@starttoc{lof}}%
 \addtocontents{lof}{\noindent Figure\hfill Page\par}




\def\listoftables{\chapter*{List of Tables}
 {\setlength{\parskip}{12\p@} \@starttoc{lot}}%
 \addtocontents{lot}{\noindent Table\hfill Page\par}


% FRW added custom footnote without number for document style phrase
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\title{Title of the Thesis}
\author{John Smith}


\chapter[This is a long title This is a long title \\This is a long title This is a long title]{This is a long title This is a long title This is a long title This is a long title}
    \caption{This is a long caption This is a long caption This is a long caption This is a long caption}

    \caption{This is a long caption This is a long caption This is a long caption This is a long caption}
\section{This is a long title This is a long title This is a long title This is a long title}
    \caption{This is a long caption This is a long caption This is a long caption This is a long caption}


结果: 在此处输入图片描述





但是 175.0pt 加上 2.0pt 减去 4.0pt 就太大了
