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\fancyhead[LO]{\small\sl Shortened Title Within 45 Characters}%
\fancyhead[RE]{\small\sl J. Comput. Sci. \& Technol.}
\noindent {\small Journal of computer science and technology: Instruction for authors.

\title{AYATDROID: A Scalable Malware Detection Approach}

\let\thefootnote\relax\footnotetext{{}\\[-4mm]\indent\ Regular Paper}

\noindent {\small\bf Abstract} \quad  {\small \textcolor{blue}{Please provide an abstract of 100 to 250 words. The abstract should clearly state the nature and significance of the paper. It must not include undefined abbreviations, mathematical expressions or bibliographic references.}}

\noindent{\small\bf Keywords} \quad {\small keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword,
keyword [\textcolor{blue}{Keywords should closely reflect the topic and should optically
characterize the paper. Please use about 3$\sim $5 keywords or phrases in
alphabetical order separated by commas.}]}
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The Android Operating System is used on more than 2.8 billion smartphones. Only last year, over 1.05 billion Android phones were shipped. Among mobile phone users, over 75\% use Android smartphones due to their low prices and open-source operating systems, which make up the most popular operating system. Smartphones are no longer just for communications; they have evoloved into one of lifes necessities. An average person spends 5 to 6 hours daily on mobile devices, including browsing, social media, and online purchasing apps. The Android platform offers a free play store to download applications. 



\begin{multicols}{2} % changed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        The Android Operating System is used on more than 2.8 billion smartphones. Only last year, over 1.05 billion Android phones were shipped. Among mobile phone users, over 75\% use Android smartphones due to their low prices and open-source operating systems, which make up the most popular operating system. Smartphones are no longer just for communications; they have evoloved into one of lifes necessities. An average person spends 5 to 6 hours daily on mobile devices, including browsing, social media, and online purchasing apps. The Android platform offers a free play store to download applications. 

而不是\begin{twocolumn} 该包multicol已经加载。







The Android Operating System is used on more than 2.8 billion smartphones. Only last year, over 1.05 billion Android phones were shipped. Among mobile phone users, over 75\% use Android smartphones due to their low prices and open-source operating systems, which make up the most popular operating system. Smartphones are no longer just for communications; they have evoloved into one of lifes necessities. An average person spends 5 to 6 hours daily on mobile devices, including browsing, social media, and online purchasing apps. The Android platform offers a free play store to download applications. 

\caption{Clone Detection}\label{alg:Clone}  
        \Procedure{Clone Detection}{$a,b$}
        \State $r\gets a\bmod b$
        \State $a\gets b$
        \State $b\gets r$
        \State $r\gets a\bmod b$
        \State \textbf{return} $b$

The improved Paillier Cryptosystem for a secured data transmission is seen in the Table \ref{tab:PCS}.

\caption{A table}\label{tab:PCS}
        A& B\\
        C& D

Some text.

    \caption{A figure}
    Among mobile phone users, over 75\% use Android smartphones due to their low prices and open-source operating systems, which make up the most popular operating system. The     Algorithm \ref{alg:Clone} provides a method to detect clones.   

