

使用 ArnoPro-Regular.otf 字体时,输出 pdf 中缺少几个单词空格,尤其是以单引号结尾的单词f和以单引号开头的下一个单词'

我通过 LuaLaTeX 编译了该文件。

如何在 LuaLaTeX 中自动修复空格





became a defining attribute of `progressive', `white', any `civilization', and set about building the international legal architecture to confirm this fabrication; culminating in the Slavery Convention (1926) and the League of `Nations' char `antislavery' machinery. As a result, as a matter of `history' and international law, the `recrudescence' of slavery could only take place in Africa, and in particular in the two African states not yet under white ruleLiberia and Ethiopiawhich laid the basis for the violent interventions in these Black Republics 
