如何从 gentium 字体访问长 s?

如何从 gentium 字体访问长 s?

gentium 字体包含长 s (U+017F) 字符的字形,并且它与 XeLaTeX 配合良好。但我使用的是 pdflatex 和gentium-tug包,我不知道如何访问这个字形。这是一个 mwe,我尝试使用symbols-a4.pdf(p. 259) 中的定义,它似乎适用于 lmodern,但不适用于 gentium:






  • 我没有正确访问它,我应该使用\char一些不同的参数或完全不同的东西。在这种情况下,正确的命令是什么以及如何找出它?
  • 该软件包使用的 gentium 字体版本gentium-tug不同/已过时,并且不包含相关字形。在这种情况下,我可以将完整/正确的字体“注入”到软件包的本地副本中吗?


没有长 sTS1 编码的官方代码表,尽管cmrlmr两者都有。

因此,Gentium 的 Type 1 版本似乎没有带有长 s 字形。

默认情况下,由于 80 年代的技术债务,TeX 会忽略您使用的字体缺少的字符,并默默地在文件中间添加一行.log。要覆盖此行为,您需要在文档顶部附近添加此命令:




\tracinglostchars=3 % Error if a symbol is missing from the font!



\pagestyle{empty} % Suppress page number

\textit{Oliver Twiſt}, again, is directed againſt the poor-law and work-houſe ſyſtems, and in our opinion with much unfairneſs.  The abuſes which he ridicules are not only much exaggerated, but in nineteen caſes out of twenty do not at all exiſt.  Boz so rarely mixes up politics, or panders to vulgar prejudices about ſerious things, that we reget to ſee him participate in an outcry which is partly factious, partly ſentimental, partly intereſted.  The beſetting ſin of `white-waiſtcoated' guardians is profuſion, not parſimony; and this always muſt be the caſe where perſons have to be generous out of funds to which individually they are ſmall contributors.  After all, the proof of the pudding is in the eating: one week's poorhouſe pot-luck fattens a pauper brat up to ſuch a {\textlongs}ucking-pig nicety, that its own parent, like Saturn, longs to eat it up with more than kiſſes.


