我在 Mac 上使用tufte-book
TeXShop 3.96 和以下相关代码:
\newglossaryentry{terminus ante quem}{
name={terminus ante quem},
description={(from Latin, \lq\lq term before which\rq\rq ) the latest possible time consistent with some event, such as the lastest possible date by which a particular artwork could have been executed. (See also \lq\lq terminus post quem\rq\rq )}
\newglossaryentry{terminus post quem}{
name={terminus post quem},
description={(from Latin, \lq\lq term after which\rq\rq ) the earliest possible time consistent with some event, such as the earliest possible date by which a particular artwork could have been executed. (See also \lq\lq terminus ante quem\rq\rq )}
xxx \gls{terminus ante quem}
xxx \gls{terminus post quem}
\newglossaryentry{terminus ante quem}{
name={terminus ante quem},
description={(from Latin, \lq\lq term before which\rq\rq ) the latest possible time consistent with some event, such as the lastest possible date by which a particular artwork could have been executed. (See also \lq\lq terminus post quem\rq\rq )}
\newglossaryentry{terminus post quem}{
name={terminus post quem},
description={(from Latin, \lq\lq term after which\rq\rq ) the earliest possible time consistent with some event, such as the earliest possible date by which a particular artwork could have been executed. (See also \lq\lq terminus ante quem\rq\rq )}
xxx \gls{terminus ante quem}
xxx \gls{terminus post quem}