如何编译一个 .tex 文件并创建两个 PDF

如何编译一个 .tex 文件并创建两个 PDF

我有一个 .tex 文件。如果我编译它,它会生成一个 PDF,最后带有图片。现在我想要做的是,如果我编译它,它应该生成两个 PDF,例如一个 PDF 没有图片,另一个只有图片。我该怎么做?我使用 Texnic 中心。以下是我的代码。如果我编译以下代码,应该会创建两个 PDF;一个没有图片(前 5 页),另一个只有图片(最后 2 页!)。请帮我我该怎么做?谢谢。Raja。

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\textbf {FORM 2\\ THE PATENTS ACT, 1970\\ (Act No.\ 39 of 1970)\\ and\\ THE PATENT RULES, 2003\\
         {[see section 10 and rule 13]}}\\

\multirow{1}{*}{1.}& Name:     & Raj \\
                 & Nationality:& Indian\\
                & Address:    & No.\ 7, Street, Parthasa\\

For complete specification: The following specification particularly describes the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed. (or)\\
For provisional specification: The following specification describes the invention.
\section*{\centering COMPLETE SPECIFICATION}


Those this is the field of the invention regarding the patent. We wish to apply or a patent in India Herewith, attaching all the documents for your reference. This a simple field that all can understand. Hence, it will be easy for the examiner to report.

Those this is the field o the invention Fig.~\ref{fig:mono} regarding the patent. We wish to apply or a patent in India Herewith, attaching all the documents for your reference. This a simple field that all can understand. Hence, it will be easy for the examiner to report.

Thosethis is the field o the invention as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:gra} regarding the patent. We wish to apply or a patent in India Herewith, attaching all the documents for your reference. This a simple field that all can understand. Hence, it will be easy for the examiner to report.

Thosethis is the field of the invention regarding the patent. We wish to apply or a patent in India Herewith, attaching all the documents for your reference. This a simple field that all can understand. Hence, it will be easy for the examiner to report.

\listoffigures%comment this section if there is no drawing 

Those this is the field o the invention as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:gra} regarding the patent. We wish to apply or a patent in India Herewith, attaching all the documents for your reference. This a simple field that all can understand. Hence, it will be easy for the examiner to report.
I/We claim:
\item\label{claim:independent1} I am/We are in possession of the above-mentioned invention.
\item The provisional/complete specification as in~\ref{claim:independent1} relating to the invention is filed with this application.
\item The invention as disclosed in the specification uses the biological material from India and the necessary permission from the competent authority shall be submitted by me/us before the grant of patent to me/us.
\item There is no lawful ground of objection(s) to the grant of the patent to me/us
\item I am/We are the true and first inventor(s).
\item I am/We are the assignee or legal representative of true and first inventor(s).
\item The application or each of the applications, particulars of which are given in paragraph-8, was the first application in convention country/countries in respect of my/our invention(s).
\item I/We claim the priority from the above mentioned application(s) filed in convention country/countries and state that no application for protection in respect of the invention had been made in a convention country before that date by me/us or by any person from which I/we derive the title.
\item My/Our application in India is based on international application under Patent Cooperation Treat (PCT) as mentioned in paragraph-9.
\item The application is divided out of my/our application particulars of which is given is paragraph-10 and pray that this application may be treated as deemed to have been filed on 13.09.2020 under section 16 of the Act.
\item The said invention is an improvement in or modification of the invention particulars of which are given paragraph-11.
This is the abstract of the invention. It should be only within 150 words. Usually no big abstracts are allowed. Also I have no idea why abstracts are often comes at the end of the patent application. So I too follow the same order in Indian patenting system. The application or each of the applications, particulars of which are given in paragraph-8, was the first application in convention country/countries in respect of my/our invention(s). This is the abstract of the patent. It should be only within 150 words. Usually no big abstracts are allowed. Also I have no idea why abstracts are often comes at the end of the patent application. So I too follow the same order in Indian patenting system. The application or each of the applications, particulars of which are given in paragraph-8, was the first application in convention country/countries in respect of my/our invention(s).

\textbf{Dated this \textbf{xxth} day of \textbf{September, 2020}\\\\\\\\
Name: S.~Rajagopalan}

\setcounter{page}{1}%drawings page starts from 1
%Applicant no. and names on top left side of drawing sheet%
\fancyhead[L]{\textbf{Applicant name(s): 1.\,Rajagopalan, 2.\,Uma,\\ 3.\,Sanvika\\Application no.: 123456599}}
%Drawing sheet numbering at top right side of drawing sheets%
\fancyhead[R]{\textbf{Sheet no.: \thepage \\Total no.\ of sheets: \pageref{LastPage}}}
%Bottom right for signing by patent agent or applicant%
\fancyfoot[R]{\textbf{Signature\\S. Rajn\\IN/PA xx}}
%Including all your figures as per Latex %

\caption[This is the figure caption for the above figure. It displays usefulness of many quantities for the present data evolution of the fact.]{}\label{fig:mono}

\caption[The above figure is very simple graph from a pdf which is may be relevant for the present work.]{}\label{fig:gra}

