




Let her hang me: hee that is well hang'de in this world, needs to feare no colours.

Make that good.

He shall see none to feare.


Let her hang me: hee that is well hang'de in this world, needs to feare no colours.

Make that good.

He shall see none to feare.






% create a macro that will hold every paragraph of the evironment's body as a sequence
\seq_new:N \l__myconv_conversationpars_seq

% create a new environment macro, +b is a pseudo-argument that represents the body,
% the + denotes that the body may contain \pars,
% you can refer to the body using #1 (since it is the first argument statement)
\NewDocumentEnvironment{conversation} { +b } {

    % split the body (provided by #1) at every \par and 
    % store the single parts as sequence in the previously defined macro
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__myconv_conversationpars_seq { \par } { #1 } 

    % for each item in the sequence, place it inside a flushleft environment
    \seq_map_inline:Nn \l__myconv_conversationpars_seq { 
} { }



Let her hang me: hee that is well hang'de in this world, needs to feare no colours.

Make that good.

He shall see none to feare.






\seq_new:N \l__myconv_conversationpars_seq

% add two mandatory arguments, the body now being the third argument 
\NewDocumentEnvironment{conversation} { m m +b } {
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__myconv_conversationpars_seq { \par } { #3 } 

    % for each item in the sequence, return index as ##1 and the item as ##2
    \seq_map_indexed_inline:Nn \l__myconv_conversationpars_seq { 
            % test whether the index is odd, 
            % if yes, use value of first mandatory argument stored in #1,
            % if not, use value of first mandatory argument stored in #2
            % (~ denotes a space)
            \int_if_odd:nTF { ##1 } { #1 } { #2 } : ~ 
} { }



Let her hang me: hee that is well hang'de in this world, needs to feare no colours.

Make that good.

He shall see none to feare.


